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About the Author: SidemenReacts


  1. The fact that Mount St.Helens was the biggest eruption I'm the US and live in Washington state, it's good to know that stuff here isn't boring?

  2. Ay yo, speaking of indian ocean tsunami, My dad and I nearly died in that. I would say we had some luck on our side, if those waves were a bit more faster, I don't think I will be here to say this.

  3. what JJ meant was, I think, that if you know that a tsunami is coming then you should try and sail towards it and get over it when its still small

  4. Vic is completely wrong the sun takes 6 minutes for it's light to arrive to earth so it will take 6 minutes for us to even realise the sun has exploded

  5. JJ is actually right! The further you go in the water the smaller the wave is going to be and you will “easily” ride it without any ripercussions.

  6. I know im late but JJ was right most water incidents diving underneath is recommended as a life saving technique in popular coutries

  7. If there’s a tsunami and theres no way to get to high lane, I’m sure it’s best to get hit by the water when it’s most clean so that there’s no or little debris to injure or kill you

  8. With the tsunami at the end (I think its the one I'm thinking off) there's still debris and destroyed buildings from the tsunami and the earthquakes
    even reached to America down near California (Correct me if I'm wrong)
    Honestly just seeing videos and images is terrifying.

  9. In the last one she said that the disaster caused the earth to tilt on its axis. Meaning there was so much water in that area that the Planet actually shifted. I think that is what she meant. If so then that is crazy AF

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