Cities: Skylines – Natural Disasters Console Edition | Release Trailer

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The thunder is roaring, the earth is shaking and color me blue if that isn’t a tornado full of birds? Natural Disasters for Cities: Skylines on Console is now available in the US and rolling out in the rest of the regions at midnight local time!
Xbox One:
Playstation 4:

The new expansion adds a calamitous collection of new features to Cities: Skylines, including new systems for disaster alerts and response — and of course the disasters themselves, which can occur randomly, or be triggered deliberately by monstrous mayors who have never liked their citizens. Also added for free are three new in-game radio stations with a set of pleasant city-building tunes; owners of the Natural Disasters expansion will also get emergency broadcasts and early warnings via the radio. Did we mention new landscaping tools?


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About the Author: Paradox Interactive


  1. You made a console version of this game? You can't even make functional AI for your existing games even with your asset flipping dlcs. Maybe pump the brakes on moving towards consoles and clean up your greedy dlc habits. Or, and this is a really crazy thought, but make a new game! You know, one that doesn't use the same mechanics and engines as your other games. That's a lot of work I get it, well how about Victoria 3? You wouldn't even need to put that much effort into it, and I'm sure you could sell us 30 dlc packs for it too like everything else. Greedy bastards, you will get no more of my money.

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