Persons of Interest: Roger Milliss – The Serpent's Tooth | Free Documentary

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Persons of Interest – Episode 1: Roger Milliss – The Serpent’s Tooth | Free Documentary

Tracked for two generations by the Australian intelligence service ASIO the Milliss family is torn apart. Roger Milliss was a journalist and author who was followed by ASIO for thirty years. His father had been tracked as were Roger’s wife and brother. The Milliss family became a vendetta for ASIO as Father and son split like the left itself.

Using previously secret ASIO files, PERSONS OF INTEREST tells the story of spies, traitors, and intelligence intrigue in Australia. This is a story that has never been told before and it’s one with a human face as the “Persons of Interest” take us through their files. The 4 x 1 hour series is based on four key individuals – the writers Roger Milliss and Frank Hardy, Student revolutionary Michael Hyde and Aboriginal activist Gary Foley. The four individuals sum up the history, fears and interests of the Australian intelligence services. “Persons of Interest” is both an insight into the dark glass of the intelligence services and a parable for our times.


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  1. We should just shoot the communists. They would vote for elimination for anyone who opposes them. Why would you let a known cancer survive?

  2. Commie sympathy wah wah sniffle bullcrap…….thank God for asio…..sounds like they did an outstanding job.

  3. The Nazi/communist have taken over the UK school's universities and goverment. With money peadophiles and insider dealing. No one can stand up all corrupted head of mi5 dearlove in court with a diary full of his peadophile conquests let off by a peadophile judge kids mean nothing to these bastards

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