Adults arrested after video of girls fighting in Bend, Oregon goes viral

Adults arrested after video of girls fighting in Bend, Oregon goes viral
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In the video, Sierra Brown, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, can be seen encouraging the girl during the fight, at one point yelling at her to “grab her by the neck!” and “smash her in the face!” Brown and her boyfriend, Charles James Durand, are also shown in the video confronting the other girl, a 13-year-old, after the fight.


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About the Author: KGW News


  1. Its always black people or people from another country who for some reason love to see white girls fight and there own race fight and love to tape it on their cell phones, and the white girls who do it are as dumb as they come,

  2. No fucking way, if my 16 year old daughter called me and said she was in a fights (started by someone else!) And the other girls parents screamed in her face and the mother also attacked her……nah bitch I'm going to jail today! My girl dont play these messy games fighting with idiots, but I would absolutely 2000% have to lose my mind on that trash mom if this ever happened

  3. Nasty ass people, I'm going to say it like it is. The world does not need these kind of people anymore. They need to be gone

  4. wow you three are idiots. So brave as a gang of 3 attacking one person, mom looked like she wanted to hit that person. …..brave!!!!!! no chicken shits.

  5. Yo if I was ever that girls parents, I’d literally go there with my peops and royally beat the mother and father for doing that to my child

  6. White. Trash! Sad these "parents" were able to breed. Both of them screaming at a young child was most likely the highlight of their life time. I just hope their child is smart enough to not end up like them. Sad days

  7. Why did anyone get arrested for this? Man that must be a nice neighbourhood if police are so bored they arrest people for nonsense like that.

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