Little Dog Dumped By Owner And Attacked By Big Dogs Gets Rescued

Little Dog Dumped By Owner And Attacked By Big Dogs Gets Rescued
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Courtesy: theman that rescue dogs #dogrescue
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About the Author: DogRescue


  1. awww poor little old guy
    to leave a poor senior to fend for himself
    brave people fending of big dogs and bringing him to the vet
    I salute You

  2. Why is he lying on bars. I thought at first it’s on the operating table top thing but He even seems to be lying on bars in the cage. Doesn’t look very comfortable poor little soul. He is literally skin and bone. They could have padded his cage out a bit better.

  3. Very Sad ? what kind of monster would do that to that beautiful poor and defenseless dog ? I hoe that he will recover and find a loving family ❤️

  4. Pobrezinho, velho, cansado, sendo jogado fora pelo dono humano, atacado por outros animais, ter que passar por tudo isso? Fico feliz por terem socorrido o velho cão

  5. Thank goodness to the people who found him and took him to the hospital.
    Hope the bastards who did that rot in hell.
    That's a part of the family they got rid of.
    May he now have a safe, loving and happy life now
    Bless the people who helped and fixed him.

  6. God bless you and I love you??❤️?☝️? Thanks Guys for saving cute friend and Guys your work and love is really important and beautiful❤️❤️❤️??????????????????

  7. Heavenly God how can there be such evil wicket uncaring carless people. This poor soul little innocent Angel suffered enough in life without having to get attacked! Justic God may KARMA get them ALL.

  8. Sad to see and amazing he has made a slow but sure recovery. I know he will make it because he has people around him that love him and dogs sense when they are loved. Poor darling, what he went through and that bastard owner who must have known the outcome might be that the little one would be attacked by wild dogs if he dumped him in a certain area. Sick bastard. Karma will come his way. Glad the little one is on the mend.

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