First Minutes After the Dinosaurs Disappeared

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You probably remember the popular children’s animated series “The Land Before Time”, about a group of little dinosaur friends looking for the Great Valley after a major earthquake. In ancient times, natural disasters happened much more often than today, and at some point they put an end to the whole race of giant reptiles. This happened 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period. It was then that dinosaurs, as well as sea reptiles and flying lizards, completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. But do you know what happened after they went extinct? If not, you’ve found the right place: today we will be looking into that.


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About the Author: #Mind Warehouse


  1. How about just the creatures that benefit man survive anything that doesn't benefit man in one way or the other we can take large samples of keep it in a DNA storage container what have you in case we find a use for it then we can go home again but other than that man comes first

  2. I think the idea that dinosaurs died from a meteor is not right, because if you look at how dinosaur fossils are preserved, their bones are quite preserved and don’t look as if they have been hit with quite force and “at a quick moment”. Also the most stunning evidence that it was not a meteor is that the dinosaurs are found in the famous “death pose”.(necks arced back as if trying to accrue oxygen). Not to mention that many land dinosaurs have been found with aquatic life from the sea. I believe they died from quick burial in mud from a massive flood.

  3. Scientists always talk about dinosaurs what about yety and bigfoot? their existence is not yet confirmed will they still be a mystery. If they're not real my life is a lie…:(

  4. 11 mins video, and 5 separated ads in the video? Don't you think it's a bit much?

    And those telling me to install adblock, it's quite impossible with YouTube app.

  5. Sorry if I have Offended anyone but this whole dinosaur thing is a hoax it wad the E.T’s that have planted what looks like bones into the earth A long time ago

  6. It doesn't matter how many straws you don't use , the problem is rampant capitalism and bottomless growth that are harming the planet

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