The biggest natural disasters of 2011

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The past year had more than its share of extreme weather and natural disasters. Twelve catastrophes each caused at least a billion dollars in damage — and that was in the U.S. alone. The Daily looks back on a year for the record books.


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About the Author: WatchTheDaily


  1. That Japan earthquake/tsunami horrible cuz im from one of the cities affected and lost my house (thankfully i live in the UK but that was the house we used for our annually visits to Japan)

  2. Just saying but the earthquake that happened in New Zealand on "13th June" actually happened February 22nd. The footage shown in this clip is all from 22nd February not 13th June.

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  4. +Alexander B
    What you don't know because you're an atheist, is that yes, God causes all of this. But, the reason for this, is because if you're saved and a follower in Christ, once you're dead, you're in a much better place. Sure, there's pain, but only for a few seconds. Then you're with God and no more worries. Man created world hunger. God makes the Earth do what it needs to do. If you weren't an atheist, you would realize that God isn't the problem with world hunger, murders, etc. That stuff is Satan. Satan decides to make everything miserable. He wants you on his side. He wants you to not care about the hungry, the needy, the blind, the lame, and everything else. Trust me. Trust God. And you will see what I and believers everywhere see.

  5. you want me to say that God causes all this.STOP STOP TALKING STUPID MORON 1.GOD (BIBLICAN) NOT EXIST 2.if the God exists, would not be happening none of this…..millions of people die of hunger every year in the world,WHERE IS GOD?Tsunami in asia for example,thousands of dead-god wanted it to happen?feel sorry for such people like you!!!by the way i am from bosnian where was the war –more than 100 000 deadhs…where is your "ALMIGHTY GOD"???????????..FUCK YOU AND FUCK ALL STUPID believer!

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