Animal Care Up-Close: Rescued Sea Lion Eye Surgery | SeaWorld San Diego

Animal Care Up-Close: Rescued Sea Lion Eye Surgery | SeaWorld San Diego
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With the dramatic influx of animals rescued by SeaWorld’s Rescue Team, special measures are taken to ensure each animal gets a second chance at life. Sometimes, this includes surgery performed by our expert veterinary team. In this special behind-the-scenes look, Dr. Todd Schmitt shows us the step-by-step process of prepping a rescued animal for surgery and the follow-up care required to help this animal make a full recovery.

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About SeaWorld San Diego:
Located in San Diego’s scenic Mission Bay, SeaWorld is a world-class marine life adventure park. With awe-inspiring shows, thrilling rides and unforgettable face-to-face animal encounters, kids of all ages will enjoy exploring the wonders and adventures of the sea. Here you can watch exclusive videos highlighting our exciting rollercoasters, amazing shows, inspiring shows and unique festivals and events held throughout the year.

SeaWorld is one of the leading marine animal rescue organizations in the world, having rescued more than 29,000 animals in 50+ years. A common bond between the parks is their commitment and dedication to marine conservation and guest education.

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