Rescued Hens from Egg Farm Free For First Time

Rescued Hens from Egg Farm Free For First Time
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Animal Place saved 3,000 hens from an egg farm where they would have been gassed and dumped in the local landfill. These are their first moments of freedom – out of cages and into sanctuary.

Helping Hens Rescue


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About the Author: AnimalPlace


  1. They look torn and tattered. They are simply considered egg producing machines not living breathing creatures. We are a disgusting species! Great job rescuing them.

  2. Chickens are fascinating animals full of character. We have some kicking around our garden and they spend their time trying to get into the house or peering through the window looking for snacks. They dig holes in the garden and roll upside down in the dust.

  3. We've adopted 18 tortured hens 8 weeks ago and they are recovering marvellously well. The joy that they bring is heartwarming. See my first youtube… search for "Rescued Hens from Egg Farm the First 6 Weeks PART1

    If we all stop buying cheap chicken and eggs and skip mcdonalds it's a good start.

  4. AWWWESEME RESCUE GUYS NIIICELY DONE…the Chickens Look Real Happy to be Cage FREE..So FUNNY..They're Like…Oh WHOA This Is Sooooo Kool..Straw Under the Feet and Not Steel Cage and We Get to Walk AROUND??????✌

  5. I raise chickens and omg I can't imagine ever treating them the way they are treated on factory farms. All living creatures deserve dignity.

  6. You do know, if everyone went vegan, chickens (and cows) would go extinct. The solution isn't veganism, the solution is responsible and caring raising of animals. It doesn't cost much extra to properly treat chickens and allow them to have a life. Sure, the price of eggs will go up, but, those who want to eat eggs will just have to deal with it. The reason farm animals get treated so badly is to try to save every little bit possible to increase profits and be able to sell the end product as cheap as they can, which is mostly driven by consumers demanding cheaper prices instead of more wholesome food.

  7. Why can't humanity find better ways to raise and treat animals?
    Locking up a living creature in a tiny cage is absolutely cruel, and I think so little thought is put into ways to improve animal's life.
    I must say that I am not sure that veganism is the ultimate solution, eating an egg wouldn't be a problem if the chickens were raised humanely. Why people choose to raise chickens like that? Isn't there a different way to this and still get enough eggs?

  8. Thank you for your compassion. Many think chickens are dumb + just meat or egg layers, but to be free like God meant them to be, they are much more intelligent that most know.

  9. People don't realize how cruel egg stealing is (watch The Truth About Backyard Hens on youtube). Glad these birds can live a life free from that stress.

    Why is it okay to exploit animals when they suffer like us? Unless you like abusing animals, why wouldn't you choose plants over body parts?
    watch Cowspiracy, What the Health, & Dominion 2018
    Peace, love, Veganism ✌

  10. the people here that post these comments. the people that help these chickens the people who make this video. imagine if we had more people in the world like these people. thanks to you all. keep the love going. it helps!

  11. How wonderful to see these ladies having freedom. It breaks my heart when I see this, mankind has a lot to answer for treating animals this way just for money. We only buy eggs from farms and smallholders where hens are in the fields enjoying life ?

  12. Now that i have chickens of my own its amazing to see how they have unique personalities like dogs and I will never buy eggs from caged animals again. I love my chickens so much and they love me back.

  13. When rescue animals. Vetenary,, election… Wash. Trime. And treatment worms, insect

    You can wah birds, head over offcourse
    If wounded,, in mild anti infection
    Repeat until wound, are closed with no infection sign

    Trim birds is that, tale if. Not beutyfull, strong
    So balance is better.

    Often. After insect trement. They get off the. I'll feder
    Don't. Worry. It's a good sign….. But keep warm

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