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On this episode of Beyond the Tide, Coyote gets PINCHED by a huge Maine Lobster!
Lobsters, the heaviest crustaceans in world, have long been rumored to possess the most powerful pinch in all of the sea. But it is true?
After experiencing the crushing power of many species of crayfish, shrimp and crabs throughout the course of his expeditions, Coyote just had to find out if this giant marine animal really had the true bone cracking abilities that has made it an absolute legend in the ranks of clawed creatures.
So is the pinch of a lobster all its “cracked” up to be?!
Get ready to find out!
BIG thanks to Lucky Catch of Portland Maine for making this video possible!
Beyond the Tide explores the mysterious world of the ocean and brings you closer than ever to its most fascinating creatures. Whether it’s tide pools, lagoons or the deepest depths of the sea Coyote Peterson and the Brave Wilderness crew will take you there!
The Brave Wilderness Channel is your one stop connection to a wild world of adventure and amazing up close animal encounters!
Follow along with adventurer and animal expert Coyote Peterson and his crew as they lead you on four exciting expedition series including the Emmy Award Winning Breaking Trail, Dragon Tails, Coyote’s Backyard and Beyond the Tide – featuring everything from Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles to Rattlesnakes and Tarantulas…each episode offers an opportunity to learn something new.
So SUBSCRIBE NOW and join the adventure that brings you closer to the most beloved, bizarre and misunderstood creatures known to man!
GET READY…things are about to get WILD!
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19.8 million fans wanted to see Coyote enter the Lobster pinch zone – including me, great show.
Coyote:ignores him”
I freaking LOVE bubbles
he is trying to kill himself
They got their hand crushed because they would have got pinched by a 100 year old lobster
This is ninja and I'm about to enter the gaming zone with my ultra super gaming pc
Now just add a lil bit of lobster sauce…
Lobster.. click click
Hiro.. "Good after noon…"
one like one prayer
You must try to swim with Basking Sharks.
Like if you want him to swim with Basking Sharks.
Somethings fishy, pretty sure Coyote knows not to rip your hand away when they pinch
I live in Maine but like 4 hours north of Portland
It makes perfect sense tho that they don’t pinch
The first lobster he cought was actually cute!!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ(◠ᴥ◕)
A difference some people may have not noticed is than when coyote grabbed the lobster from the restaurant it did not move his back like wanting to escape it looks like this one wanted to fight instead
Coyote must've done iron finger training in china
I think he is a masachist
Main part of the video is at > 21:30
Wos this is very good
ha ha haaa you are a nor normal….
The only YouTuber that doesn’t clickbait
sos el mejor nadie se la banca como vos
i have been bit by the most powerful animal.
my little brother
Me: want a pet here you go in this box
Me: yep bye also btw I super glued it there
Squid:bites hard and poops on*
Cyotte:OWSWWWWWWWWWWW dude you really poo on me jeez thx
Lobster pornogriphy
I am cyote perterson and I am about to enter the blast zone of a nuclear bomb
make a video about flounder!
It's ok Mr. Lobster we all have performance anxiety from time to time.I will forgive you for not wanting me.
14:40 is what your looking for young gwasshoppa
Hold up why is all of Canada ice lmaoo