Worst Skiing Fails | Brutal Fails of the Week

Worst Skiing Fails | Brutal Fails of the Week
Spread The Viralist

SHOUTOUT GOES TO – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UColz3lGwxs_C8kEzAF0haag

Hi guys, sorry for not posting lately, I’ve been busy. But I will try harder to post weekly and thank you for all the support ❤️❤️❤️ Hope y’all enjoy today’s video. And if y’all wanna get featured, submit your clips to this email -thepainisrealyt@gmail.com Cya on the next one ? ✌️


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About the Author: The Pain Is Real


  1. 9:30 AAAAGGGH!!! WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

    Translation: Excuse me sirs, but I seem to be in tremendous peril. If you fine gentlemen wouldn’t mind breaking my fall, I would be forever indebted to you.
    ~falls and hits ground~
    I seem to be uncertain of my current location, may I trouble you for a call to the emergency facility?

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