5 minutes of annoying tik tok vsco girls | Tik Tok Memes

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5 minutes of annoying tik tok vsco girls | Tik Tok Memes


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  1. I have these at my school theyre sp fucking annoying..
    On friday, for some reason id think itd be comfy to have marker towers on each side of the desk. My partner doesnt sit in their assign seat, so no worries on theft. This annouing vsco came over when i was litterally about to start my work and shes like
    sNoRt "What are you doing?"
    Im pretty sure i said something along the lines of "None of yoy concern."
    She puts her disgusti g vsco hands pn my markers to knock them down, and i just stood up and grabbed them (mind you im pretty tall, never been in a paychical fight because– well im not like the vscos for a start.) But i was like, ready to hit her, i just started joking about it and laughing while i fixed the markers. Then the tiner vsco was like "WeLl yoU wouLdNt hAve becAuse ThAts N0t Zhzool aPpropiate." this comming from the girl that hangs around the ' thots ' and the weird ' gangster ' kids.
    Interesting friday.
    ahem summary: *SSksKsK aND i o0p shut it before i shove anns oop up your
    For the record, this was from a commentor i found replied to some dumb vsco thots comment, ofc rocking the gacha life pfp

  2. … save the turtles but lemme pull out all this plastic shit out of my backpack….yall need to evidently do some research on ALL harmful materials because i see eco un friendly shit literally all around you.

  3. This is who u save Turtles u go to the Beach and get plastic straws and throw them in the beach then when the Turtles eat the straws that is when u say and I oop. It is not our fault Turtles have small brains

  4. Stop this vsco girl stuff like jest stop E girls are.way better than y'all annoying vsco girls. Like all u have to do is save the Turtles u don't have to do all that other stuff

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