Missing 411

Spread The Viralist

Based on the books series written by David Paulides Missing 411 chronicles the unsolved yet eerily similar disappearances of five children in the wilds of North America accross multiple decades. A real-life horror story for those involved, the film examines each case from multiple perspectives in an attempt to shed light on the unsettling topic. Les Stroud of Survivorman and Obama-appointed, former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar are both interviewed for their insight into the topic, as are the families who have fallen victim to tragedy.


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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. I can't imagine how these parents feel losing their loved ones, especially the youngins. I would have lost my $h!t if it were my kid or another family member. I would become a permanent fixture in those woods until they were found. Our govt knows more than they lead us to believe but, why all the secrecy from the feds and military that get involved. That is a huge red flag too me. Something is wrong and it's about time they come clean with their motives and reasoning for silence. It's a damn shame too say the least.

  2. I want to watch this movie but the video keeps stopping every few seconds. Uhg! now wtf is wrong with my computer? Anyway personally I think it's a combination of aliens (ET) and Bigfoots causing these problems. Too many things about both point to them being associated with each other and demonic in origin.

  3. These are all happening in such remote land, I'd put money on a lion or bear. Even could be they got lost and then ran into a animal that killed them and moved them even further. Seems like the most logical explanation. Makes my heart sick. I could not ever imagine that loss..

  4. There's things in the woods in NA that they sure as hell don't want to let anyone know .Every hick town with a police station has their own list of missing but the parks don't. They know more than us . Seems to be a world wide problem that may have not been discovered if not for those 2 wardens knocking on Mr. Paulides' door. They will treat us like mushrooms.Kept in the dark and fed shit all day.I have never seen anything strange in the woods or camping . What a nightmare to have to go through and my prayers are with them.

  5. so sad, again. sounds like everyone had an active job in the National Park Service and no one took the time to make a ***** list. No one wants to stand up and say, "We didn't make a list of missing people." Or they were told not to make a list, but why? Thank you for your hard work. The movie affected me more the second time around.

  6. Wow how do u let a 2 year old walk off in any direction alone in that kind of country or anywhere really …. he walked off in the direction of his grandpa…. wow that’s just not good enough

  7. I remember hearing this a while back, mysterious universe and on coast to coast am, man it is creepy how the kids dissapeared, and so many at parks, recently I went camping, and this had me paranoid, I kept my kids with me at all time, I dint sleep good, because I kept on thinking about missing 411

  8. So David Paulides goes in search of cases of missing people in the national parks. He finds that people have gone missing in the nation parks. I fail to see the mystery. I think it's so simple that people have completely overlooked the fact that all the guy did was set out to find people who've gone missing, very often children or the elderly, in very rough terrain in the wilderness. If I set out to look for a list of people who have gone missing in Joplin, Missouri and I find a number of people who've gone missing in Joplin, Missouri is that a mystery? Then let's say I take a map( just like Paulides did with the parks) and put little push pins in the areas where the people have gone missing in Joplin and nowhere else, of course the map is going to have a cluster of pins around Joplin, Missouri. It's Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Paulides searched for cases of missing people in the sate parks and no where else, of course it's going to look like there's a lot of people missing in the parks if you don't compare it to the cities surrounding them or the national averages. The people who go missing are very often very young children, children with disabilities, elderly people, or sometimes just normal people and they disappear in areas of rough wilderness very far from civilization sometimes bad weather is involved and most importantly ares where large carnivores are present , I'm sorry I fail to see the mystery. Sometimes a kid comes back with a wild story, shit my fourth grader comes home from school with wild stories, kids are weird so what. And then I see videos of David Paulides speaking at Bigfoot conventions, I think that says it all right there. There is no great mystery here, it's just people that've gone missing in the wilderness.

  9. First mistake, DON'T ASSUME SOMEONE IS WATCHING YOUR KID, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE TWO YEARS OLD!!!! Second, NEVER have your child walk behind you! I've taken my daughter hiking, and the entire time she stayed in front of me. I NEVER EVER allow my children to walk behind me. And why those fishermen didn't stop fishing when a child wandered up to them in the middle of the woods, I don't know, but that's just disgusting. Talk about f@$ked up priorities. More worried about catching the big one than you are about a child in the woods by themselves. Losers!

  10. On the next story about jared, i bet a mountain lion can climb that ridge but the boy couldn't.I'm not suspecting alien creatures or something out of this world as the culprit.These kids are too young to just be wandering with a group nonetheless not with their parents.Who lets their 2.5 yr old kid go with strangers on a hike? Have you seen the videos from thailand where leapords would snatch people's dogs n cats soo fast only the security cam caught the event.No one heard anything as these stealth cats swiped their pets from right under their noses.I am not convinced yet on anything other than wildlife abducting these kids.Maybe these animals can detect that these children have weaknesses/defects in their bodies.

  11. Very first thing that comes on, a woman says her two-year-old has been missing for about an hour. I would have already called the police before then, and I certainly wouldn't have been that calm. I may be way off, but my guess is that a good deal of missing people are missing because of the people they were with when they went missing, especially in regards to the children who go missing.

  12. First mistake was not totally making sure this little boy was safe with grandpa.The boy turned around and went towards camp and you just assumed grandpa was watching him? People you are in the woods in a remote location there are wild animals all around.Animals scout their prey and wait til the coast is clear.Could have been a lion or leapord type that can swing in real fast and grab a little kid by the throat and you will hear nothing.It could be those weird bi pedal creatures too.

  13. I believe the technology exists to create an "Invisibility Cloak," or full body suit. HD screens show the image of what is exactly behind the wearer. The user would likely have to practice movements and stances that increase the effectiveness.

    Imagine someone utilizing Invisibility to wait near common camp sites, and the moment there is separation from the family and the target, they grab them, incapacitate them, and lay a cloak over the victim. When the nearby people leave the area in a panic, they take the victim to a hidden entrance to an underground tunnel. This would cause dogs to lose the scent. It's also possible they are picked up by aircraft.

    It's likely they are not random abductions; perhaps they utilize facial recognition or other means to identify the nearby people, and if they find a "desired" person — for whatever reason — they make their move. When you try to imagine technology decades beyond what the public knows about, possible solutions emerge.

  14. ᗯE ᗩᖇE ᑌᑎᗪEᖇ ᑕOᑎᔕEᑎT ᔕᑌᖇᐯᗩᒪᗩᑎᑕE! ᗷᑌT YET TᕼE ᗰIᒪITᗩᖇY IᑎᗪᑌᔕTᖇᗩIᒪ ᑕOᗰᑭᒪE᙭ ᕼᗩᔕ ᑎO IᗪEᗩ. TEᑕᕼOᑎOᒪGY Iᔕ ᗷEIᑎG ᑌᔕEᗪ TO ᑕᗩᑭTᑌᖇE ᗩᑎYOᑎE. OᑭEᑎ YOᑌᖇ ᒪITTᒪE ᗰIᑎᗪᔕ TᕼE ᗩᑎᔕᗯEᖇ Iᔕ ᗩᗷOᐯE & ᗷEᒪOᗯ. ᔕᕼEEᑭᒪE ᖇEᖴᑌᔕE TO ᗷEᒪIEᐯE Iᑎ ᗩᑎYTᕼIᑎG EᒪᔕE ᔕO YOᑌ ᗯIᒪᒪ ᗷE ᖴOOᗪ. ᗷᑌT ᖴOᖇ ᑌᔕ ᗯᕼO KᑎOᗯᔕ TᕼᗩT ᗯE ᗩᖇE ᑎOT ᗩᒪOᑎE ᗯE ᔕTᗩY OᑌT Oᖴ ᗩᑎY TYᑭE Oᖴ ᗯOOᗪᔕ. ᒪOᐯE YOᑌᖇᔕEᒪᖴ & ᔕTOᑭ TᕼIᔕ ᑕᗩᗰᑭIᑎG ᗷ.ᔕ.

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