This is why girls don't like you – r/NiceGuys Top posts of the Day

This is why girls don't like you - r/NiceGuys Top posts of the Day
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  1. So basically some woman has to give up her body and be in a relationship with a clearly mentally unstable person so that to the rest of the world doesn't have to deal with him, after all he'll take his anger out on her

  2. Heavy on the pro-rape today, aren’t we. Here’s a tip, guys: we girls stay away from guys who want us to be raped because they view it not as a crime that shouldn’t happen period but as a punishment for girls who don’t want to do it with every stranger that has their number. Frankly, it makes me worry what they would do if the girl was physically present and denied them.

  3. "A womans love can sooth a beastly heart" Bee, it ain't anybody's job to magically cure your shitty behavior. A beastly dude don't need a woman, he needs therapy

  4. I love, and I mean LOVE, how the first guy said 99% of women get him and like him…then why, in the name of all that is good and holy, would you focus on the 1%? It's like a starving man walking down a street full of restaurants with $100 in his pocket and he will only eat at the place that's closed. The logic here is rather flawed.

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