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About the Author: SHANAVAS MS


  1. This is not very exciting. I do not know why I watch a video of a river. I do not know why 7.4 million people watched a video of a river. But here we all are, watching a video of this river. ?‍?‍?‍? ?‍?‍?‍? ?‍?‍?‍? ?‍?‍?

  2. This happened to me when I was living in Mississippi after record overnight rains. We were forced to evacuate. It's a frightening thing to behold personally, don't take it lightly.

  3. Before u can live in this area u need a sharp ears to hear things from afar..? u will be swimming happily but still alert cos u can never predict when the water will be coming..

  4. Some say he's eternally being washed away on a daily basis due to perpetual stupidity of being unable to put a camera down in order to save his own life.

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