EXTREME HORROR GYM ACCIDENTS | Most Dangerous Gym Fails Compilation

EXTREME HORROR GYM ACCIDENTS | Most Dangerous Gym Fails Compilation
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WARNING: This video contains graphic medical content that some viewers may find disturbing.
Viewer Discretion is Strongly Advised……………..

You’re being active. You’re slowly ramping up your intensity, duration, or volume. You’re warming up properly and doing mobility drills to improve your overall movement-quality. You’re taking note of things like sleep and stress and adjusting your activity accordingly.

But something happened and you got hurt. Ugh.
Always see a doctor if you are injured and have questions about your personal path to recovery.
Step 1: Decide if you’re going to go the ice route or not.
Step 2: Elevate & compress as soon as possible for as long as possible in the 1st 24 hours.
Step 3: Make your decision about anti-inflammatories.
Step 4: Start lymph flush after 24 hours.
Step 5: Get moving again…slowly…and with care.


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About the Author: Gym Freak


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