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About the Author: WhatsupwithThatTV


  1. I'm over hear like who the fuck said fight before the police show up, that's a real slave mentality you rather see your own people fight each other rather than fight the crooked cops that come to your neighborhood and beat your ass. Where's all that aggression when you scary negros get abused by the cops. All you do is picket then right!!! Fuck black lives matter stick those signs up your slave ass's. I hate yall niggas worst than the crooked cops.

  2. What's wrong with you guys . And the kids watching you ..I donr care about you guys you are low lifes .. but those poor kids .. you make them to the sorry souls you are … they should all taken a wa ay from you and never seen you sorry idiots

  3. Welcome to the YouTube comment section where every idiot thinks he’s an expert in fighting just bc they watched some MMA bullshit on tv.

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