Dash Cam Owners Australia – Biggest Crashes Compilation

Dash Cam Owners Australia - Biggest Crashes Compilation
Spread The Viralist

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  1. Dash Cam Owners Australia should do an on the road dash cam live stream where he/she demonstrates his/her own driving abilities and the driving abilities of those around him/her.

  2. 6:00 – I would just like to point out the obvious fact here. The guy in the white car stopped and looked at the intersection. There is no fucking way he missed the massive, yellow behemoth of a semi truck hurtling down the adjacent road. He very intentionally chose to pull out into the road when he did. So… what? Is he a thrill seeker and he thought he could outrun the truck in the intersection? Or was this just some miserable attempt at a fraudulent insurance claim?

    edit: i messed up spelling "adjacent" so i fixed it :p

  3. @5:50 it looks like the crashed cars dash cam is dancing to the club music playing ?
    I laugh in jest but I sure do hope everyone in these accidents are alright. There really is nothing funny about any of this.

  4. I’ve become a more patient driver and careful thanks to all these videos….

    If only people slowed down and kept to the task at hand (a lot of these could be avoided)

    It’s unfortunate it impacts so many lives in one go.

  5. Also was that the archer river crossing at the end? If it was you’d see at least five accidents during wet season around there because tourists are morons.

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