Bodycam video shows shots fired by SCSO deputy

Bodycam video shows shots fired by SCSO deputy
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Sevier County sheriff’s deputy fires shots after responding to a call in a mobile home park. Read more:

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  1. "Welcome to the NFL" is what they say to a new rookie, first time in live drills. Then how a guy responds decides if you keep him.

    Police version of this, now everyone knows this is not for him.

    Too bad real life events (game time) are the only way to truely know… Thank god no one died.

  2. All Of the fucking people saying " They should have never given him a gun" need to realize what type of situation this is! Your a inconsiderate pricks, he had a god damn PTST attack its possible its from the military or him being shot. This officer is an amazing officer and I respect him. Cudos to the EMT as well. Untill you have been on the field DONT try and say some shit like that. Aside from that, thank you all officers on the force.

  3. pepper that fckin bitch. And You dont want to pull that gun and trigger, But some one just did(suspect2), And you have to stay calm….Whore of a bitch…

  4. You have at least one particular cop who is totally out of control!He is a danger to everyone! Terminate! And Retrain the others! Retrain!
    No I don't understand what is going on but I don't think anyone else does either!

  5. This cop should be fired asap. He was out of breath after a 3yd dash then started shooting erratically at I'm not sure what. then muzzled the EMT a couple of times the went into PST attack. get him off the street before he kills someone else.

  6. While I do not see a problem with him being an officer, there is a huge problem with giving him a gun. And I do believe we should go easy on him because it is hard living PTSD and shouldn’t stop him from pursuing a career choice(if deemed fit for the position). But you also have to bear in mind that he had an episode on duty and fired off multiple shots ONE HANDED (later holds it with 2 hands) and could’ve hit someone just walking by who has no clue what’s going on. Should he have feared someone walking out with a gun, yes, but how many cops opened fire again? And did the man point the gun at them? He reacted and made judgment too quickly, putting others in danger. Not to mention the EMS has to pry the gun from his hands while he’s having an episode. He then later gets his gun back and has no thought of who he putting in front of the barrel of his gun. Now I do not believe the cop should be terminated, it was a close call and no one got hurt, but he should be re-evaluated and tested to make sure he is even capable of carrying a gun and maintaining a stable mindset during interactions with the public and other officers as well.

  7. He was chasing the girl without holstering his weapon. It’s a miracle no one was shot. I hope he has found a new line of work. If you have never been shot at ,you can’t understand the stress involved. Being a police officer isn’t for everyone

  8. He has PTSD severely I feel so bad for him its so sad people in the comments don't understand PTSD it's not a thing you control he got shot at and he probaly snapped back to when he may have lost his brother (little side note see how he keeps rubbing his hands whatever he seen was bad probably blood on his hands he keeps looking down at them as if it was there)

  9. Someone wasn't psyche evaluated before they were hired were they,and put EMS between themselves and someone they were shooting at and let someone else have their duty weapon. He needs a vacation and a new line of work

  10. Ok she shouldn't had run. She didn't look all there. And did I hear her say. IM PREGNANT… DIDNT HEAR NO GUN SHOTS AT 1ST. COP NEEDS THERAPY FOR SURE. FORCE ON HER STOMACH NOT GOOD.

  11. I'm hear after having watched 25+ great officer reactions, while deadly means was justified this cop needs to take up needlepoint …. his daddy beat him wayyyyy to much.

  12. They clearly got rid of the gun he wouldn’t have shot for no reason he freaked out bc he thought they didn’t because that junkie was crying like a bitch he just needa smoke some good gas ⛽️

  13. Serious stressed out anxiety attack . That other guy who calmed him down should get a commendation but should not have given him the gun back. That officer needs some mental help. I was waiting for him to jump on his friends back shouting giddiup like Richard Prior in Stir Crazy !! ??

  14. @guest666 fine, he's not a pansy cop, but he should never be allowed to carry a gun or be put in a situation where he may be fired upon. PTSD or not, he's no longer suited for active duty, and shame on that sheriff's department if he is still working in the field. This is unacceptable for an active duty police officer.

  15. I don’t blame that officer… I know that job is full of Stress !!!

    Any one can have that fucking reaction.
    God bless our law enforcement.
    God bless America

  16. The COWARD BLACK Cop should be fired and arrested !! Why would he just start running leaving the EMS guys and shooting random shots at anything ? Disgraceful.

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