Extreme 4K Video of Category 5 Hurricane Michael

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Video taken in the western eyewall of Cat 5 Hurricane Michael as it slammed Panama City Beach with extreme wind. We positioned ourselves safely in a parking garage and watched as the historic Category 5 storm unfolded around us.

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Tornado Trackers is made up of storm chasers Jeff Mangum, Jeremy Hamann, and Gabe Cox.


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About the Author: Tornado Trackers


  1. Jesus Cristo é o Filho do Todo Poderoso Deus Javé, ele morreu na cruz por nossos pecados E foi ressuscitado no terceiro dia Jesus Cristo e o Deus Todo-Poderoso Javé são um Somos todos pecadores O empréstimo de o pecado é a morte Jesus Cristo morreu na cruz pelos nossos pecados, Se você acredita nele você é salvo Ore a Jesus Cristo, confesse seus pecados, peça perdão, agradeça por comida e bebida e tudo que você tem Se você não acredita em Jesus Cristo, você será julgado por seus pecados Siga Jesus Cristo e faça o que é certo, Amem uns aos outros e parem com Pecado

  2. Whoever posted that video doesn't know their Panhandle Florida geography. The hurricane DID NOT hit Panama City Beach as a category 5. Panama City Beach got nothing of Hurricane Michael to speak off. Panama City, on the other hand, got nailed. Panama City and Panama City Beach are two different cities separated by a bay. PCB had very little damage.

  3. I live in Panama City Beach and it’s sad to see that the news has completely forgotten about us even nearly a year after Michael. Half of Panama City still looks like it was hit by a bomb and we haven’t even gotten any federal funding to help fix the city. I guess we don’t matter…

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