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A mother cat hid her kitten in a secret place to keep him safe. Will the rescue team find the kitten and rescue him?
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Stay tuned for another cat rescue tomorrow @6PM EST!!
This woman is surely sent by god
Жалко педнягу((((
هاد الفيديو كتير بحزن ما كملته وبكيت بشده الله يشافي ويشافي كل قط
Thank you so much for rescuing this little one. My heart broke watching his start in life, cried my eyes out. I knew it would have a good ending, but I wish that Momma Cat had also been rescued. What a brave and awesome Momma Cat, taking him to a place of protection and hiding where he wouldn't have been able to escape.
But what about the mum
Kill the person who abused lol in the most pain ever love that kitten
그녀는 어머니를 떠났지만,
어머니는 남아
The kitten is vicious
Who else cried for ages after
Thank you so much for saving this little angel. Please go back and save his mom. Please!!!
Peluchin eres tu >:v
I hâte humain ?❤️❤️❤️
Und was ist mit der Mutter? Die vermisst ihr Baby bestimmt, es wurde ihr einfach weggenommen, zwar weil die etwas gutes tun wollten, aber trzd:/
Omg look at the kittens back lags
Thanks a lot to rescue team god bless you
Maklxjsjalx sakaox zosmxkwp j www. Soajsjsa
I want to take of that cat… I cannot watch that kitty like that… That kitty face show everything that he want to walk like other too… Oh god i crying when i see this video and i hope if someone outside see the cats like this please take care of them if not take them to the right place to make sure they are safe… ??
Son unos tontos los que odian animales ???????
This breaks my heart
I cried it was so sad ? I want that cat to love and care for
I cried.
Tô me acabando de chorar
Crlh, o gato é bravo kskks, tadinho :'(
Io penso che le persone che fanno male agli animali per poi farli soffrire così siano figli del demonio e di satana
R. I.P
А как же мама,которая видела всё то что с ним произошло? вдруг она подумала что его увезли чтобы убить?
That breaks my heart ??
So sad ??????????
Ya Allah panjang kn umur kucing yg TK berdosa ya Allah????
Ahhhh non le pied de chat mdr??????
Столько боли в глазах котенка и его мамы
Женщине не надо было забирать котенка у него же есть мама
Я плакал когда смотрел