Primitive Technology: Rescues Wild Dogs Building House And Swimming Pool

Primitive Technology: Rescues Wild Dogs Building House And Swimming Pool
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Primitive Technology: Rescues Wild Dogs Building House And Swimming Pool
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  1. What kind of insanity this?I really appreciate you build a home for them in a out of nowhere but why you are torturing such a young puppies who doesn’t even open their eyes and let me tell you even vets never allow such young pets to have bath n it was actually meant after 6 months . So,sorry what you did is nothing but irrelevant and silly ?if you upload a video for doing a good deed then the shelter was enough?why forced poor pups like this when they actually shivering in fear and what would I say about the way you dragged or pushed their mother I can only say it was harsh and plzzz for heaven sake if you ever in future do this insanity again plz dry the poor souls as well?so pissed ?

  2. fucking shit again. Lots of shits in the comments Bitches in the side assholes in the middle. And then shits
    How many times do i have to fucking say. N O H A T E little shits, i’ve said this a million times to a billion videos. While nobody
    Fucking listens. Puppies can swim shit fucks. Is there a rock in your head? If the mama dog is calm then its okay fucks shit heads.

  3. why would you make the puppy swam
    its too deep maybe when there already 5 they can swim there now
    just put them back to there mother they are gonna die if you
    put them in the water!!!! D:

  4. ……….. lets put a pool next to the NEWBORN PUPPIES…… pErFeCt. You know what would be EVEN FUCKING BETTER? PUTTING THEM INTO THE FUCKING WHATER AND THEN FONDELING THEM AND MAKING THEM AND THE MOTHER EXTREMELY STRESSED OUT. Good job. Those pupies could have died from shock, temperature, the could have drounded that's also a thing. 8n short the was one of the most irresponsible things you could have done.

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