Poodle saved a kitten's life from a terrible death!!!

Poodle saved a kitten's life from a terrible death!!!
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For this video, we tried something new. Please watch until the very end to hear the story of how the poodle saved Axle’s life! Please let me know if you want me to share clips like this in the future.

If you think our work is valuable, please make a small donation to Hope For Paws… it can even be just $1 – every dollar counts and it adds up to help us pay for all these animals: https://www.HopeForPaws.org

If you would like to adopt Axle, please contact:

Thank you so much,


#HopeForPaws #KittenRescue #CatRescue


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  1. I am watching your videos for so long and just loved them ❤️ I wanted to adopt a cat but I don't know that it is possible or not because I am from Pakistan ?? and I also want your team to come to Pakistan because there are uncountable abandoned dogs and cats waiting for someone to rescue them. Thousand of dogs and cats are dying here due to starving and accidents .

  2. I wish there was a way to make cars safer so that small animals can’t crawl in. They like the protection and residual warmth of engine hoods but it’s such a terrible death if they’re not discovered in time! Thank you for yet another great rescue!

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