Cute puppies take sand bath on the beach and falls asleep

Cute puppies take sand bath on the beach and falls asleep
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Little one falls into deep relaxing sleep… Chow Chow puppies.
From SBS Animal TV Series;
You can watch the full 1 hour episode here;
Start watching from 4:00 mins on for chow chow puppies.

Note: This was filmed in cool spring day. The Corgis that did not want sand bath wasn’t forced as you can see them playing on sand next to the chow chow puppies that falls asleep in sands.

Music : CHEEZE – How Do You Think


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About the Author: m171562


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  2. 何だこの神動画はハァハァ(*´д`*)━( *´д )━(  *´)━(  )━(゚   )━(Д゚  )━( ゚Д゚ )ハァ?

  3. The dads probably like
    "Honey why am i dragged into this?!"
    Wife: Oh honey shush its spa day just relax
    Hubby: Oh shit its actually relaxing….
    Oh pee break

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