For Kids: RARE FARM ANIMALS – chicken, horse, cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, film for children

For Kids: RARE FARM ANIMALS - chicken, horse, cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, film for children
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This video about farm animals shows many different breeds of lifestock with music and natural sounds aswell. I have made it primarily for children, but its also interesting for adults, which want to learn more about the diversity of our livestock animals! Parents can read the (in some cases very special) names of every single breed shown in this video. Some of the farm animals in the video are very rare, such as the Austrian Bantam chicken, the Murnau-Werdenfels cattle, the Exmoor pony, the White Baroque donkey, the Blue Pomeranian duck or the Turopolje pig.

Robert Höck April 2017, Bauernhof Tiere für Kinder (Kinderfilm über
gefährdete Haustierrassen)


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About the Author: Robert Höck


  1. My grandson (18 mos) and I watch this video regularly…..along with a handful of their videos. Are all these animals from one farm or many? Are they yours? Be awesome to have all those animals but lots of work. Thanks for videos. Well done.

  2. Danke für das Video, mir luegets oft am obed mit üsem zwei e halb jöhrige bueb und er gnüssts und chilt super däzue 🙂

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