Wildlife Rescue Experts Save Animals with Dawn

Wildlife Rescue Experts Save Animals with Dawn
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Wildlife rescue experts use Dawn dish soap for more than cleaning dishes. They use Dawn to save animals. In this demonstration, you’ll see how gentle Dawn is, as animal rescue experts use it to clean a duck that was a victim of an oil spill.

Watch more Dawn wildlife rescue videos:
Learn more about Dawn’s wildlife rescue initiative: http://dawnsaveswildlife.com
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About the Author: Dawn Dish Soap


  1. they say on the commercial, one drop of dawn and grease is gone, it takes more than one drop, I squirt one stream and that's all I use.

  2. Last major oil spill…2010. Hmm yet Dawn is still running these commercials and even a new one. I wonder what message they are sending when their product is petroleum based.

  3. might want to send a squeeze bottle of dawn to south dakota where an oil leak of monumental proportions has occurred adjacent to the Sand Lake Nation Wildlife Refuge, a wetlands of international importance and a Globally Important Bird Area, currently home to millions upon millions of ducks migrating south.

  4. so how is exposing these animals to chemicals that cause respiratory distress and skin irritations saving them? plus when you test on animals hundreds of thousands of them saving lives? bunch of liars and I refuse to let you poison my family with your horrible products.

  5. Sees Desc ooh maybe they're a good company that doesn't intend to use products to try and lure customers to think they're good people.
    sees video disclaimer Great, they drenched a duck in corn syrup to try and "save" it.

  6. Wow; gotta give it up to Dawn. They pretend they help animals yet they're owned by Proctor & Gamble which is a company that tests on animals. Gotta love the hypocrisy.

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