Near Death Experiences – What happens after death?

Near Death Experiences - What happens after death?
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Our spirits never die! Here are 8 great near death experience video’s where people share their testimonies for Jesus Christ.

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Romans 5:8
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

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Title: Angel Whisper

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About the Author: Jesus Truth


  1. "And when that hand grabbed me I felt the presence, the majesty, the fire, the life, the glory of Jesus Christ himself…" I'll play it forever when down and hopeless, and lonely… 53:13

  2. For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten.
    Ecclesiastes 9:5

  3. Dear Jesus truth,

    I have been recently thinking of becoming a street preacher sometime in the near future, because Holland needs christ again. I wont go into detail about that, but i believe it is necesary for Everyone to hear about Jesus and that people need to repent of there sins as soon as possible i was deceived for Manu years, but Jesus Christ openend my eyes once and for all. My question to you is : What is the best method of steet preaching and do you have some advice for me ?,
    May Jesus Christ bless you

  4. I don't know about the rest but I take my time listening to the video, after that I put thumbs up to the video. Update today was my first time watching this new video I enjoyed watching this video.??

  5. Praise the Lord. Thank u brother to update THIS video. It was so touching and intimate. Jesus is so holy wounderfull. No words to compare him. I am thankfull to almighty to hv him.

  6. I have watched most of these near death experience videos for YEARS and I came to learn that nowhere in the bible does it back up a near death experience. All these near death experiences are different. They all the see heaven, Jesus, the holy spirit différèrent. If it was the truth they would all be in agreement

  7. @Jesus Truth

    It’s amazing what those people said in this video.

    I have another information and it’s about TBN Church. I have watched one of TBN video, a false teacher/false pastor said “There’s no Hell!” I was like “WHAT?! He hasn’t read what God said in the Bible?” TBN can’t be trusted at all

  8. This is comforting but there are a few issues I don't seem to understand. The bible never once states we are immortal or can live forever. Bible also states we need NEW bodies to live and speaks of the 2nd death. It also states the soul that sins shall die. And through JESUS alone can we attain eternal life and life for ever. This is a complex topic with much confusion surrounding it.

  9. Anyone believe in past lives? Do you think it's possible to live many lives so that come judgement day, we are judged equally as an old person against a young person. All given a chance to live as many characters. It's the soul that gets judged and would seem unfair to judge someone who did not live long enough to know God, or repent….

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