The Luckiest People In The World Compilation 100+ Close Calls & Near Death Experiences REACTION!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZXxf89RLsU
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2 years ago a was at a grguation for 5 grade and I can't swim so I went down the water slide and got in the deep end 10 feet down i sunk and held my breath for 35 seconds then I floated up because by then I gave up and stop trying after that the lifeguard got me out of there
i don't know how your laughing at all these sad moments and at the end you like that's sad
God damn those skydivers almost got turned into mincemeat
I was seven and it played out like most of these vids where there was a car and I tried to cross anyways
Everyone survived but the pilots
These videos should be called 100+ acts of angels not luckiest people
Look at his face 8:31– 8:34 ?
that kind of whale dont eat meat bro
We have all had that moment in our childhoods were we were chasing a ball into the street and had a car nearly hit us.
Is there some template for your intro? Because it looks almost exactly the same as Major Kolton's.
Oh and one time I forgot my life vest, and at that time I couldn't swim. And I fell into the deep end which was 6 feet. I kept bobbing up and down and when I thought I was done for, someone saw me and swam up to me and carried me to safety. I was 8 so that was 2 years ago. My profile picture was when I was 9. I am 10 now.
I love your intro 😀
great vid and not to be mean but what was that intro
Now that's someone savage…. :3 ??
I was just about to cross the road to focused on a convo I was having with my bf. I was looking at him the which was the opposite direction the cars came. I stepped out and he yanked me back a second before a car passed. I remember I clung to him afterwards.
I was riding my bike down the county road; and my rear tire lost traction and I fell off and spun on the ground like a ball. I was lucky there weren't cars on the county road; and I didn't even break anything; not even my bike!
back in 2011 I was at a ocean and I was at the middle of the ocean and a shark came up and bit my leg off luckily I didn't run out if blood I was there for an hour shouting for help luckily I'm still alive
believe it or not my arm shielded me from getting hit by a car
I almost died once because some do didn't slow down when I was walking from school
5:10 another vi hickle
i had a bus accident couple a years ago and well if i hadn't my bag from shool i would be a goner a guess
Some dude strangled me but I bit him in the arm and he let go and I had time to run away
I was riding my bike and a car was speeding and the car hit the back of my bike and I jumped off my bike as the car hit the back of my bike and I got out of it OK but I needed a new bike
and this is why I stay indoorsssss! :3
I love how in every reaction vid I've seen thus far, the people watching always duck to the side when the wheel comes flying at 8:54 xD