Cute baby monkey relax and play happily with 2 puppies
NOW 5/4/2019 Baby Monkey has been assigned to wildlife protection organization
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This youtube channel was created to share and film the cute monkey named Min
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iiiiiiii loveeeeeeee himmmmmmmm
Poor little chap…on behalf of at least 1 human ''I'm so sorry''
Monkey is verry lonley and the animals seem hungry its hard to watch when i wish i could feed them
He appears to be Jonesin at the 3:12 mark…
baby monkeys make me happy when i am depressed because of my concussion 🙂
Just looking at this little guy makes me appreciate evolution even more. It's almost like the monkey is what we once kinda were, playing with pups to gain their trust and become best friends.
This monkey needs his mom.
Lol this reminds me of a small monkey like this getting ripped apart by chimps and screaming while being eaten
He looks like a little Obama ❤
Where did you steal the baby monkey from it's mother so sad and cruel
Yo monkey give no fucks bro
Dog is like .. if he flings shit at me ,I’ll eat it
I assume you're raising these to cook as dinner when they're older. Right?
Interesting. The monkey obviously yet clearly intellectually has the advantage while engaging the pups in playtime.
Nut could have felt like a living being for the monkey at ~ 6:40 minutes into this video. Just remarkable to me.
What's that pebble-like substance on the ground/floor? Are those like some kind of nut or are they little rock pebbles?
Looks kinda like the squirrel monkeys I was raised with
Primate already knows who is boss. Good video,Thank You.
looks depressed at start of video
The monkey is adorable as shit but this video really kind of sucks. There is only so long it can be interesting to watch a monkey just sit there.