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#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
en 40 il vomir c est dégeulase
Number 2 is a dumbass
He might as well have drunken a bottle of Jager instead of 40 individual shots lol
The last guy just got over that hangover.
Yuck, lovely Finnish boys. Mmm mm good.
I puked right after that
4:25 "Nah bro I can't.." lol
The last one need a trophy
The easy dude was a fucking legend
1:40 Magyarok 😀
alright, nowadays outro is the first one of this vid 😀
The 40 shots would've been a warm up for Americans
0:23 that stupid idiot din't brake!!
J'adore le gros Milou qui perd une patte : )
genuinely i will never understand why people drink lots to show off. ive been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning and its no fucking treat like thats stupidity at its finest
1:45 magyar videó
Dirt bike fails
you can die from drinking that many shots! Dang!
21 shots will kill you. 40 is batshit insane. That vomit probably saved that guy's fucking life. Don't fucking do it.