It’s winter and it’s cold outside. Please donate $5 and help us save more dogs off the streets: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Thank you Southern California Labrador Retriever Rescue for
finding Perla a loving forever home: http://www.sclrr.org
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
My dog was used for breeding. She spent about 7 years in hell there. When people first rescued her she would roll in her own waste. So would her brother. Part of his ear was missing and his teeth were broken and had holes
We found a real old 18 year old shizu that had been used for breeding, she now having a good time chasing and trying to bite our cats. 21 and still running around 🙂
I love hope for paws !!! My family donates every month to y’all ?
Just saying but it looks like animal abuse when your trying to catch her/him
Please don't buy pets, adopt.
She lost her puppies,she lost her hope,she lost everything a dog shudnt lose…but u guys… restored it..humans(We the people) are so cruel..Nature will revolt…so barbaric…
These dogs ask for so little & give so much.
Dislikes must be dog haters….wastefellows
This makes me so happy that there are rescuers. Thank you!
While watching this video, I was having a mental breakdown and my family walked in because they though something was physically wrong with me. Not until they watched this video did they understand why I was breaking down
Thank you for everything Hope For Paws.
I’ve donated in the past to the SCLRR and I’m so happy to see a happy girl wagging her tail!
But leash through fence dog runs off not smart next time over fence. you talk a bit bossy to the girl relax man.
I love how patient he is when rescuing the dogs ? truly understands how cautious these poor animals can be.
Why dump an animal when you can bring it to a non kill shelter?
PERLA is my name
May God bless u you did fantastic job a big salute to u???
Thx for saving animals I love them
me See`s 1.5k dislikes on video
? ? ? ?????
Why can't people JUST CARE FOR 1 SECOND to see HOW BAD ABANDONED anything accualy IS.
She so gentle, just scared, I loved the ending, thanks for finding her a new loving family home, I can see they adore her.
For anyone who loves pugs check out Pug Nation, it's a pug and pug mix rescue, and they need love we got our pug there she was used for breeding, she still has the things years after now she is loved and loving
These people took a chance on adopting a rescue and what do you know, they suddenly have a perfect, grateful and most beautiful pet! I am thankful to the rescuers, but also the adopters, thank goodness they exist too?
These always make me so sad, but once they’re brought to safety and warmth it’s so heart-warming ?
Why do you check if tbe dog has microchips?
i still cry
i cry when i watch you so cute and sad i had a dog and we had to put him down even no i traned him it was bacause he fourt with my old dog
Just wish the same pain for the bloody selfish bastard breeders….
My mother got her dog Zoe as a rescue. They found her wandering the streets and after checking and examining her they realised she had just given birth, so they assumed the situation was the same as this. She is such a beautiful dog (border-collie x sheltie) and she is so much happier now
Rspca are the best
you guys are doing the best job in the world ???????
Why do I do this to myslef T-T
What a good dog :')
is it wrong that I sold my cat because she was pregnant?….
by the way we had 10 cats and we didn't know she was pregnant untill the new owner said she was
I'm not crying my eyes are just watery lol