It’s the summer of fails! We have a brand new batch of fails for you! Featuring a car crash prank, fireworks and dirt bikes, and more! Submit your videos to FailArmy.com!
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Guys Riding Dirt Bikes Launch Fireworks at Each Other https://goo.gl/wFLXRq
Guy Pulls Car Crash Prank on Youner Brother https://goo.gl/V2TqJT
Woman Greaks out on VR Machine https://goo.gl/bJWTVA
Snake Pops out of Washer https://goo.gl/rywF3f
Guy Wearing Towel Falls off Pull-Up Bar https://goo.gl/9iouQQ
Car Gets Hit by Train https://goo.gl/QdZbL9
Paraglider Can’t Takeoff and Crashes into Tree https://goo.gl/qPTEuL
Grandma Accidentally Drops Toddler While Practicing Tee-Ball https://goo.gl/CEadte
Guy Deploys Airbag Underneath Reclining Chair https://goo.gl/ANwFgo
Falls and Fails During Annual Hill Bomb Contest https://goo.gl/Qxcayu
Man Struggles to Fit Small Carry On Bag in Overhead Bin https://goo.gl/c72RTe
Women Struggle to Get Out of Inflatable Raft https://goo.gl/Z2BoE9
Semi Truck Drives off Highway to Avoid Hitting Car https://goo.gl/ti26c7
Senior Citizen Couple Rides Slingshot https://goo.gl/2WPF4C
Woman Hides in Pile of Garbage Bags to Scare Coworker https://goo.gl/Tb1xAX
Pull-Up Bar Workout Fail https://goo.gl/KDuQqP
Drunk Guy Jumps on Limo’s Side Step Rail https://goo.gl/FBbLdZ
Girl Faceplants While Dancing https://goo.gl/eECndn
Girl Falls Off Bar During Sack Race https://goo.gl/HE24LJ
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
3:56 Damm #my head
3:03 SO EPIC
What a baby bailey is
Give that trucker a medal.
Bailey is a little bitch
1:40 Don't trains have brakes? Public transport is not fit for purpose.
5:30 ???
Wow… that broken brake prank was one of the meanest but also best pranks i've ever seen 😀
0:57 Is that quesadilla off Vine ???
silly guy…
@5:35 Good Grief… Bailey is going to grow up to be a Big VAGINA!! ???
Fucking "pranksters" giving frights for lols are sick cunts and I hope they get their ass kicked one day by scaring the wrong person.
1:55 is staged right? a person cant be that thick riiiiiiight?
These are pretty great. But there will never be as hilarious or epic a fail as Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. 😀
1:33 the way he slapped the floor ???
3:07 Some people really don’t understand how badly you can screw yourself up – a helmet is not going to prevent compression fractures…
Of course I guess thats what makes these videos s funny
3:08 definitely want to bookmark this omg
2:40 report noobs missing all skillshots
3:56 wtf?