The Top 5 Shiny Fails of the Week in Pokemon Lets GO!
The best Shiny Fails in Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee!
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TOP 5 SHINY REACTIONS OF THE WEEK! Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu and Eevee Shiny Montage! Week 1
The Top 5 Shiny Reactions of the Week, presented by aDrive! In this video I break down the top 5 user submitted Shiny Fail Reactions from Week 2 of Pokemon Let’s GO Pikachu and Eevee! This new series will showcase Shiny Hunters, big and small, and bring our Shiny Hunting community closer together! Be sure to show love to everyone in this video! LIKE, Comment and Subscribe! Which reaction was your favorite?
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NEW SHINY METHOD in POKÉMON LETS GO PIKACHU and EEVEE! How to get Easy Shiny Pokemon in Lets Go!
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Our Top 5 for Week 2!
#5 – Briikk
#4 – Crossfirex
#3 – JubileeBlais
#2 – FireDragon
#1 – Yoehn
#3 was legit the other 4 and just stupid.
i caught a shiny swablu while watching this lmfaooo
HAHAHAHA Victim's ???????
*walks into shiny ponyta*: 😀
*rattata appears*: D:
Whats that song in 4:00
Rip for yone
3:00 hehe
Lol I threw my switch when I accidentally ran away from shiny poliwag
I got my shiny garitina after about 11000 SRs on platinum watching this
Why does anyone get excited over Pokemon go shinies?
I swear to god while I was watching this some dude wonder traded me a shiny scissor and idk why
Do you have the shiny charm I’m guessing you do
1:52 when you wake up and your phone wasnt actually plugged in
Can anyone help me out with the name of the tune in the beginning and at the end of the video?!
Thanx in advance.
First time doing the walkthrough and didn't realise at first but my alohan raichu is a shiny so happy
2293 6407 9740
The mewtwo guy is just bad, level up a pokemon with a dark, ghost or bug type move to level 100 and then win. Don't go with a level 60 team.
what's with your fake voice
Number 2 was hilarious
how to beat mewtwo: mirror coat articuno
Why it's there's so happy to become a shiny in pokemon let's go pikatchu / evoli it's very easy
That shiny ponyta one was my favourite because I did not know it becomes the rattata my 2nd favourite would be the lapras one lapras was like I'm just up here shining away and I liked the look on jubilee's face (I don't know how to spell her YouTube name) and her reaction
#2 was so satisfying to watch. How about just catch it instead of being annoying af for 30 seconds.
I just like how it says it's all your fault when the rattata was found Lol XD the song goes it's all your fault lol.
need pokemon friend~
8166 6720 5030
Ratata used cockblock… Super effective!
Rip in the chat guys
add me, active player from spain! 7279 4212 1422
Where the heck was that Rattata when the Ponyta spawned?
2:50 I just start laughing so hard when the girl is just so mad about the lapras.
Pokemon let's go shiny hunting doesn't take much time at all. So honestly can't feel bad. Still sucks though.
Lol! That nerd at the end. Epic
anyone else feel bad in #2
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