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The Cole and Marmalade team rescues over 40 cats and kittens from a hoarding situation in Northern Illinois. We’ll never know the full story, but the landlord said these cats had been abandoned by their owner 8 months ago … We feel that this situation had been going on for much longer, I’m just glad we were notified and managed to pull off this rescue and get the cats and kittens help!
Deb and Diane the sisters who spearheaded this rescue have decided to open their own shelter, I’m on the board and I’m behind them 100%, purrlease help us make this a reality by donating here: https://www.gofundme.com/purrfect-cat-rescue-il-building
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About Us:
I love cats! Cole and Marmalade are both rescued cats, I’ve been making cat videos since 2008, we do our best to entertain as well as educate… We aim to make a pawsitive difference in the world, we hope you can follow us on this purrfect journey 🙂
?Fur daily clips, vlogs, cat rescue work and more check out our second channel:
Awe! Poor kitties! God bless them
I still can’t believe in this world where there is everything bad some people will look to the light to protect the animals who haven’t done anything for to this world and that some people will bring them to a better place then just where they were these kinds of people will restore your faith in humanity and some people will hopefully do the same in the future
this was so hard to watch but thank you so much
For some reason my dog stops biting when I put a blanket over him
thank god these cats are safe now ❤️ it physically hurt to see them like this:(
This really makes me sad cause I love cats
Can someone please tell me how to report an animal hoarder anonymously
i'm sobbing like a baby, these poor babies ? i really hope they get all the love in the world
im sorry but who the fuck is laughing the comments…. cat hoarding is a form of abuse and these poor things were living in such ungodly conditions that my heart literally broke. absolutely nothing funny about seeing these cats jump around in anxiety.
Some of those poor cats look in bad shape
Amazing example of compassion, bravery, and dedication. Thanks for helping these cats.
Did someone live there???
I feel like this is coralline music at the end-
2:49 my mom to me and my siblings every day
This makes me so angry. Thank God they were found though??♀️
Why does this monsters this on the kittens
That’s like my household instead of cats it’s humans.
Poor Cats, hope you feel better
Wow. The home owner is pretty wicked
I’ve watched this video like 5 times now, and i still love it! It’s amazing that all these poor cats got saved.❤️?
What was the thing that they were putting on the cats necks? Was it like to sedate them or calm them?
Can I take the one with the most tortured soul? (I can fix that-Holes)
I’m worried that they bred, (which is probably true.) because they all look so alike…. I mean, look at the face markings!
i never laughed
This was hypnotic. I dont know why..
Thank you for everything you do for the cats!
What were the green things that they were using on the cats
like a catnado in there
"everybody stand still" bang crash boom crash "bleeeeeeeeeeeeep"
the saddest part is that they were in a hoarding house
I don’t know if I should be angry or sad
I know this is the way you had to capture and relocate them but it’s still really disturbing
why tf does this have 1.4k dislikes then? they literally saved these cats lives
I hate seeing cats sad,they're such sweet creatures and deserve so much more. I want them all to be loved and happy. Thank you for your work. I am happy to see they are much better now.
This brought tears to my eyes.
I’m so sorry but I almost pissed myself laughing at 3:28 … poor kitty.
Is it bad that I laughed when the cat threw itself into the mirror?
I'm so glad the cats are in good hands now, it was so awful to see them in such conditions. I hope things like these won't have to happen so often, if possibly not happen at all in the future
3:27 lmao
It makes me so mad that people do this to animals
me – * Pets cat * it's gonna be okay you little turtle bun i love you, you're gonna be fine just please get in the cage and i'll stroke ur lil face.
Poor babies ??❤❤❤
3:25 I know they are miserable but that’s funny af ??