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Investigators for the Houston SPCA get more than they bargained for when they are called in to assist police at a commercial dog breeding facility in Coryell County. There are more than two hundred Rottweilers on the premises including dozens of newborn puppies. What should be a routine seizure becomes a nightmare when a freak ice storm hits Texas and temperatures plummet to below freezing. As the Investigators attempt to round up the dogs the vets battle to keep the newborns alive. Inside the owners’ home ammonia levels are so high that the local fire department has deemed the property unsafe to enter and the team has to don respirators and protective clothing to rescue more dogs trapped inside. Once the dogs are on safely on the vehicles the team faces an even more dangerous challenge. At the rear of the property are two mountain lions and two Bengal tigers.
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Thank you for saving them
Oh yeah, that makes sense. We have to neuter the Bengal tiger, we wouldn't want an extremely endangered species to reproduce….
don't you have to have a permit to have more than 5 dogs
if tigers are endangered why are they neutering him? :0 im so confused
I always thought that people were better than this but this is so heart breaking
??I love dogs
They don't put a cone on the big cat after castration? I know that sounds silly but won't he lick his wounds raw?
Bless everyone who made this giant rescue possible. They are heroes
What is this show it’s narrated by a British dude and filmed in Texas
These people should be in jail for their lifetime
It's funny how they're exited to casterate a tiger… Why are they calling it "Treating" ?
i seen there are more rottweilers u it piss me of that people can just abandon them
these people are truly hero's
Why would you castrate a reproducing member of an endangered species? Doesn’t make much sense to me.
4:37 dead puppy bottom center….
the dog one is very sad it made me cry
and outside dogs
those poor animals i feel sorry for them if i had dogs they would inside dogs
Does anyone else find it odd that the narrator is British???
I love dogs and all animals, they shouldn't be going through this
Maybe castrate the
Revious owners?!
If the animals are rare…WHY NEUTER!?
Why are they neutering the tiger if there’s only a little bit left?
The sounds always break my heart. These poor babies.
these people are definitely going to heaven
Why all the trucks came back to Houston at the same time, arrived all at 3 o’clock ? First one totally charged and with the serious ill dogs should have returned immediately.
Makes me so sad! I have a Rottweiler and they are such sweet dogs! She recently had puppies and I’m so scared that they won’t go to good homes. I don’t think I would be able to be a dog breeder. There are just so many people out there who treat there dogs terribly and hoard them the way the people in this video do.
Look at all the "aggressive breeds" and not one aggressive acting dog. Hmm…
Global warming..
Tigers don't belong in Texas.
Idk I’m from jersey and 40 degrees is nothing it’s actually perfect. But I totally understand
29:13 she’s like ok ok you got me
Horrible Horrible people to do this to innocent animals…
The lowest temp that it’s ever gotten where I live is -50 lol
I thought they said they were going to mute the tiger and I was pissed
How can one just use a living being to get money and just let it DIE wth there is some sick ppl in this world
Lol, that mountain lion does the slow blink just like my cats! Just a big friendly kitty. There's a good chance someone could have actually went in the cage and petted it without being mauled.
34:54 First time I have seen a tiger testicle.
These Bengal tigers are so happy at their sanctuary , our local school went to visit. A happy ending for them
it’s so horrible that people put such beautiful and amazing animals into situations like this. the people treating the animals are so caring and deserve so much good karma for staying up to treat these animals.
Omg only minus 6 Celsius ??? in Alberta Canada this winter it was colder than -55
It’s funny how they stop to talk to the camera instead of immediately getting all the puppies and dogs into warmth
I have been watching animal cops houston for a while and I seen a lot of neglected horses dogs chickens pigs reptiles but not in my entire life will I see anymore these people think they are helping I think not they are just hurting the animals they have I mean why have animals when your not going to take care of them like they should be taken care of.thats makes me so mad I am an animal person and seeing this is terrible and I feel like throwing up.
Yes… let's neuter the *endangered animal*, I'm sure that will boost their population
Ok ok I understand the young babies being too cold, but -6 is not cold. Texans are weird.
What!? Texas needs to update their laws about tiger& lion ownership. Geez!
The puppy mill property should be bulldozed.