Wild Animals Rescued by INSPIRING Heroes | These heroes risk their lives every single day to save orangutans, bears and monkeys. To help these heroes save more animals, you can support International Animal Rescue: http://thedo.do/iaryt.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
To help these heroes save more animals, you can support International Animal Rescue: http://thedo.do/iaryt
It's about to say to yourself, what I've done in my life, was life useful and what I gave to the world… Beautiful videos!
8 dislikes what is your problem ?
Me encanta este programa por favor suban capítulos en español. Saludos desde Colombia.
Lovely and awesome
Bebês mais lindos ???????bênção de Deus animais são humanos e nascen.amando e humanos são almas boas ou mas só
I don't understand why people are disliking this video
The World needs more organizations like IAR ??
What song is this?
01:21 BIG THANK YOU FROM ALL OF US. Im crying!!!
I'm defiantly doing this even though I'm 9 I will try to save a life??
So kind hearted you guys are.
1:23 me when I see food ?
i love yall videos
May god bless them through the hardships of life. Thank you, animal rescuers.
Watching the two baby Orangutans teared me up.
0:22 is sooo driving cute ??
This is my favourite video you ever made
In indonesian not just ANIMAL THAT BEING HUNTER BUT TREES TOO, animal in Indonesian almost rare
save the poor animals 🙁
Why is it always in indonesia??God bless you guys….
Hey i live in indonesia.ow thats why my teacher said i need to feed ANimals
I always need to cry of this
This is so sad im about to cry
Imma help animals in the USA one day c:
Heartbreaking ?????
Thank GOD for these angels on earth saving our animals.
People that dislike this is a stupid people and idiot.its just make me so mad.
How many times have I watched this 100x they r so cute I am so happy they r back home?
Was he saying mommy at #0:6
This is amazing!!
God Bless Thee Heroes 🙂 So beautiful, I would like to help animals 🙂
God bless these people. I wish there were more people like them in the world