The best Fails of the Week are here and we’ve got an awesome fresh batch for you to gobble up. We’ve got a rubix cube champ failing, a guy who can’t chop wood and an Eagles fan who missed out on the train! Let us know your favorite below, and please smash the subscribe button.
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
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Guy Falls Into Ocean When Rope Snaps from Boat https://goo.gl/ibNMXZ
Guy Tries to Climb up Salmon Ladder https://goo.gl/AMSVT5
Guy Kicks Ceiling While Doing Martial Arts Trick
Guy Slips on Porch While Playing With Dog
Toddler Flies Drone Into Aunt’s Hair
Baby Falls off Sled and Faceplants Snow https://goo.gl/Ervvpt
Woman Falls While Roller Skating Indoors https://goo.gl/tzEV6N
Umbrella Canopy Falls off From Shaft https://goo.gl/rq5FW3
Downhill Skateboarder Slips off Board https://goo.gl/vo2y8H
Kid Faceplants Snow After Jumping Ramp With Sled https://goo.gl/ysqMpS
Multiple Mountain Bikers Crash on Difficult Corner https://goo.gl/8EdbQh
Cat Attacks Girls Face During Selfie
Girl Mispronounces Laundry Detergent Name
Motorcyclist Crashes Into Car and Flies in the Air https://goo.gl/Ds6C3P
Guy Falls off Lamp While Recreating Animation Studio Intro https://goo.gl/S3iESN
Dog Smiles and Wags Tail Next to “Beware Dog” Sign https://goo.gl/Lw7swY
Car Pulled out of Ditch Slides Straight Into Opposite Ditch
Guy Falls on Sand While Attempting Backflip https://goo.gl/2pV2uj
Guy Breaks Axe While Attempting to Chop Wood https://goo.gl/KtWDz9
Cliff Diver Belly Flops Into Water https://goo.gl/oQMeAs
Guy Drops Coffee Pot Lid in Mug https://goo.gl/Z5fVdA
Lady Rides Airport Baggage Carousel
Woman Faceplants While Going Down Slide
Football Fan Runs Into Pillar While Chasing Train https://goo.gl/FvMJK2
Woman Throws Flaming Pot Into Pool https://goo.gl/21SMA9
Homemade Bow Explodes in Guy’s Hands https://goo.gl/CFTyzU
Snowboarder Fails to Perform Jump During Group Stunt https://goo.gl/T32qJu
Guy Crashes While Doing Jump on Minibike https://goo.gl/E3yLzv
Parrot Bites Guy’s Ear
Guy Falls During Cyr Wheel Training https://goo.gl/bK3DGr
Kid Tries to Jump on Moving Sled https://goo.gl/VKi5Kv
Woman Falls While Salsa Dancing https://goo.gl/BQdvvx
Movers Drop and Break Wardrobe
Mini Drone Accidentally Flies Into Woman’s Hair https://goo.gl/msSx5x
Guy Tries to Do Parkour Stunts on Tree
Guy Tips Over Kayak
Baby Falls off Playground Bridge
Guy Falls off Horse During Traditional Festival
Boy Gets Dizzy at the Playground
Kid’s Puzzle Cube Falls Apart During Challenge https://goo.gl/Jstqmx
Best Fails of the Week: The Eagles Are Champs!! (February 2018) | FailArmy
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
That face of every Buccaneers from 5-11 to failure.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
6:14 name song please?
CAN'T STOP idiots from being idiots, getting themselves hurt or killed, and others. 52,000 people a year DIE from head injuries from stupid crap like this.
0:04 thats what you get for using a Vcube
Hahaha I like the helicopter going in hair. Quite funny and mayde me laugh out loud or lol
That cube pop tho
3:16 He done broke hims ankles.
one of your best LOL
The patriots should have one
Thanks for the laughs, I really needed that.
its been 4 years since i checked out this channel and its still epic
2.42 that bow got bopt ??????????
this parrot gives rough kisses?
3:59 He Is Tary
0:34 to 0:38 ???
0:24 is that novrich
I’ve been involved with archery for 40 years and I’ve never seen a bow explode like that.
2:39 botw irl
nailed itLife is Life
3:50 IKEA
sub to pewdiepie
0:05 Rip rubics cube
2:45 real life dude perfect
When a streamer kills u in Fortnite 6-10
When you fail on your training, is'nt actually fail. You just learn how to be better. And that the purpose of training
0:54 phenomeno
RRGH the first one makes me cringe I am a diehard cuber
2:42 thats why the ottoman bow is the best…
4:15 wtf is the point of that? Marshall arts are for combat and defense… not talent shows
O:42 EDP455??????
3 14 those ankles
01100011 01101111 01101111 01101100 00100001 00100001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110110 01101001 01100100 01100101 01101111 01110011 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011
The last one was brazilian "aii caralho!"
y can't u do soft landing fails sometimes so i don't have pursed butt cheeks the entire time!
The dog is a WIN!!!
The guy in the stupid ad in the beginning should shoot himself. Do us a favor asshole.
Your program is a scam.
Title says fails of the week sees vid from Christmas
T-I-D-E…. titty?? 2:31
0:15 just leave it right there.
0:40 = Awesome!!
4:57 who's bag is that?
3:27 I Believe i can fly…