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In Waller County, Houston SPCA Investigator Debbie Michielson is horrified to discover a herd of emaciated horses and an owner apparently unwilling to help them. The team decides to take immediate action before it’s too late to save the horses. In Houston, Investigator Maverick Wagner has to act quickly when he responds to a report concerning an injured dog and arrives on the scene to find a German Shepherd with a serious leg wound. Elsewhere, the team face one of their toughest challenges yet when they have to carry out a rescue of livestock from a farm during a heatwave.
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This is the worst I’ve seen on this show of starved horses. It’s disgusting someone would allow that to happen to those horses.
And if you’ve lost your job and can’t afford to feed them he could have actually SOLD the horses to get money and given them better homes
donkey stopped because they were T posing
Thank you guys so much for all you do!
Sampson is the bestest boy
They got the foreign invaders good! $6,260 will hopefully help the SPCA continue its work.
Samson is a special fur baby !!! glad he found a good home …
spca team work , ur doing yr angel work , bless u all 4 working in the heat … saving all those farm animals …
the horses know theyre gonna go 2 a better livin places n cared 4 , thats y they went 2 trailer so fast …
at least , she was feeding n giving water 2 the shepard dog …. im glad she gave the dog over spca now …
the horse owner rather stuff his face playing video games , needs 2b in jail for a few years or more …
Who would do such a thing? 🙁
Those poor animals
so glad your state provides support for your efforts. My state, I'm ashamed to say I'm a resident.
Watching episodes where the animals are in near-death conditions makes me heart ache
Who is from 2019??
I hope those poor animals get the love they need. I also hope the abusers suffer for all eternity. It’s easy to surrender your animal, if you are overwhelmed caring for them. Allowing them to suffer should equate to jail time. Unfortunately, it never does, so assholes know they can get away with being serial abusers.
I have 10 horses and a miniature horse and when our older one got skinny (not anywhere close to these) I was worried about him. Seeing horses who suffered so long made me cry. I am so relieved these horses were not in that place any longer and that no more horses died at the hands of those people. And the worst part is that they lied and thought they were doing the right thing. Did they not notice the dead horses, one of them probably a baby or smaller donkey!
Ps: My horse is fine and now back in good condition. I also rode him quite a bit to build muscle as well as the weight from extra grain and alfalpha.
Had a German Shepherd myself, passed on New Year’s Eve but I know my baby is better now. Definitely hits close to home. ♥️♥️ #RipOtis
Punishments never fit the crimes.
Oh my god, those poor horses. It's a shame that such beautiful creatures have fallen into the hands of an abusive owner. I mean, some of the horses look to be Yearlings, It saddens me that they are so young, and already have an insight on how cruel humans can be. They have probably never experienced kindness, and, like the other animals in this video, don't comprehend it, leaving them bewildered.
There is a very special place in Hell for animal abusers like these, that's for sure.
I recently just lost a pet. This helped me so much. Sidenote; poor horses!! Love this series. Keep it up! ??
Aww I have no words. U guys are the best or more than that … I love that u helped all the animals it makes me feel happier ❤️
I don’t understand, those pigs and goats were in horrible condition but it’s nothing compared to a meat factory. Why is it not illegal to torture the same animal for meat??
Sampson is a good boy ??
These people have so much patience. I would've punched that woman in the face.
Begged for help! None came 21 cats died.
omg his flip phone sksksksks
You all are true Heroes I'm sure the dog and the horses are and the donkey or thankful
Sampson looked like he had an ear on his leg
Woman:"One little bite…"
Horse: All the bites! ALL THE BITES!!!
I raise pigs for 4H and trying to get them in the trailer is always HORRIBLE ?. They're rediculously loud and strong, they'll easily plow right through you.
Keep it up
Awesome video
How can people even bear to treat horses like that???????
How can u look at those horses and not feed them if breaks my heart
I love this channel! Keep up the good work!
As a cat breeder I can tell you that if you choose to get these animals, you’re responsible for their wellbeing. If you became a breeder to make money then you’re in the wrong business. Animals needs food, water, love, shelter and veterinarian care. No matter how sick I am sometimes, I always get up and care for my babies because I chose to, not them.
The prettiest horse was the worst?
I’m horrified that anyone would do this. I’m so glad that that organization is doing this to help those animals and put those vile monsters in jail.
Moon is soooo pretty
kudos to all the effort by the team though, ends well
go in grab both back feet of pigs and pull them backwards, most effective way. Thank goodness for experience of growing up on big ranch
have they never used a lariat and roped horses, donkeys??
obviously in trouble remove them immediately
Ppl are crap
Sampson is the best big boy
Wait what I didn't know pigs can moo!???
my pony grabs the side of the bucket but he's a little fatty and has zero reason to do so ?
the sad thing is that most "livestock" animals live in such conditions, people just don't see it because they're locked away and not out in the open ? glad these could be helped