Animal Rescue Team Rescues Hundreds

Animal Rescue Team Rescues Hundreds
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Watch as the HSUS Animal Rescue Team goes in to rescue hundreds of animals desperate for care and love. This large-scale hoarding case brought in over 200 dogs and cats living in squalor in rural Arizona.


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  1. Disgusting, did they publish the names of these people who do this? In their local newspapers? They should so the whole city knows what they’re about

  2. Have you guys, or rather, you heroes, ever gotten bitten out of fear or pain? I admire and respect you from the bottom of my Heart for what you Do! Love from Germany

  3. this is what i wanna do when i’m old enough to get a job. i wanna help these animals, it just tears at me to see them living like this. i would do anything just to see one animal get saved.

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