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About the Author: JnJArchive


  1. Man…damn cops fucked up everything. My money was on Pooky for three rounds. Cops here's a piece of advice, let them fight and knock each other out, THEN take them to jail. It's much safer that way.

  2. Jesus was not a Jew.
    He was a Galilean, an Israelite.

    The word JEW did not exist until the 18th century, an invented word, falsely abbreviated for Judean, which Christ was not.
    Judea and Galillee were 2 seperate political entities at HIS time.

    But yes, Jesus was White.

  3. @lawdog53 So, by saying "Yes there's a black Jesus" (I went ahead and fixed the spelling for you) are you implying that there is more than one of Him? There's a white Jesus AND a black Jesus? Is there an Asian Jesus and a Mexican Jesus? What about a Native American Jesus or a Middle Eastern Jesus?

    Guess what… There was, is, and will only ever be, one Jesus. And, as a man, he would have looked like any other ordinary Jew from his time.

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