Spread The Viralist

Everyone, meet Cloud! We are so in love with this little guy and since we filmed this video, he’s like 98% potty trained already! He’s been amazing and so happy here.

Thanks for watching!

Business inquiries: gabifuller02@gmail.com

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About the Author: Gabi Fuller


  1. Just some tips as a new dog owner myself!
    1) PLEASE ensure your dog is vaccinated. As I'm writing this I realise you said your dog is 4 months so hopefully he's had his 16 month C5 vaccination, but for anyone else reading this: You should not expose your dog to strange dogs or parks before their 16month vaccination as there's a lot of deadly, PREVENTABLE, diseases they could catch!
    2) When he's in the car, don't keep in on your lap. Get him a crate or car harness for the back seat, because airbags or the force of a crash can kill dogs!

  2. I completely agree re. breeders/adopting. All the rescues around me were either large dogs, high energy working dogs or old dogs with health issues šŸ™ Unfortunately I'm just not in a position/stage in my life to care for one like that successfully! I got my dog from a breeder and she's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and she's the perfect energy level and playfulness for me, but she can also just nap all day when I'm at work <3

  3. Hi Gabi! Although Iā€™m a HUGE advocate for adopt donā€™t shop… heā€™s cute and I hope you enjoy! Just wanted to say donā€™t use puppy pads! When you use puppy pads itā€™s basically saying itā€™s okay for the pup to go inside and they get trained to go on the pads as opposed to strictly outside. Even though itā€™s gross it makes potty training way faster!!!

  4. You know you should get a spray that is sold at Walmart that is a spray for a restroom resistant on the floor so he can start learning where to use the restroom

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