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About the Author: The Why Files


  1. The 1800s man appearing in Times Square in the 1900s is an excerpt from the short story "I'm Scared" by Jack Finney. I read that story as a teenager in the 80s and then began encountering the story again (presented as fact) in the late 90s. I immediately recognized it as fake and it was my first introduction to the reliability of the internet.

  2. Bro I'm being 100% honest, I don't watch long videos on YouTube of any kind unless they are so captivating and entertaining that I can't get enough..your channel is one of very few that delivers such delicious content. They bring electricity and excitement to an otherwise boring day or restless night. Don't shorten the videos. The more time we get to spend with you, the better. Live long and prosper, my friend.

  3. I have always wondered whether the Akashic Record lends time its "energy" (time-energy), and what shift time-energy has undergone as the universe has gone from building a log of everything from its young self to present day.

  4. I think we have mind control all wrong. Russia experimenting on dogs with radio frequenciesā€¦ I believe we have too and have had success. It breaks down to repetitive suggestions. They canā€™t control you outright. But certain personalities and genetics allow people to more susceptible. Think about it.. family annihilators, school shootings. What if you didnā€™t need to expend your own people and resources committing atrocities. I believe we are very easy to manipulate subconsciously. You donā€™t know youā€™re being controlled. Itā€™s a fact simple shapes, sounds, and colors are very suggestive for advertisement purposes and all of the data gathered from that could be used for far more nefarious reasons. Be vigilant over your thoughts.

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