Zanesville Massacre | America’s Animal Hoarder: Horror At The Zoo | All Documentary

Zanesville Massacre | America's Animal Hoarder: Horror At The Zoo | All Documentary
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It’s Halloween! For the occasion, we are sharing the extraordinary story of how wild animals – including lions, tigers, and bears – were found roaming free in a residential area, leaving the police with no option.

In October 2011, the sleepy town of Zanesville, Ohio, became the centre of a media storm when 56 exotic animals started roaming the streets. Faced with an out-of-control situation posing a serious risk to the public, the police shot dead 48 of the creatures, including 18 tigers, 17 lions and 8 bears. The animals all belonged to Mr Terry Thompson, who was later found dead on his farm, partially eaten.

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About the Author: Banijay Documentaries


  1. coroner's report cause of death – homicide
    That man was killed & this was staged! A true reporter would pull that! I seen the autopsy report today! Don't take my word for it! Get that report! Blogger

  2. What the owner did was awful. H e put hundresds of lives at risk, but even worse he put the lives of his exotic "pets" at risk and they paid with theirs lives. Suicide is a long term answwr to a short term problem. He was evil

  3. Filthy so called animal lovers crying just because they were living away from that area😂 bravo for authority who saved human life a single human life is more important than thousand of animals

  4. shouldn't have shot the ones on the property, they were staying in their cages. Maybe should have approach the property with more intelligence in mind by considering the wild animals there and waiting for tranquilizers instead of walking around shooting everything.

  5. I live in Ohio and remember this day well. It was said that someone who worked for him said that the cops didn't like him and set it up to look like he killed himself and let the animals out. The worker said that. But it has never been proven.
    Yeah this was a tragedy.

  6. People like Thomson are never allowed to have pets ….. He costed his life and those innocent animals …. He is such a terrible person . I feel so bad for the officers who had to do that with no other choice 😔

  7. I work with animal control officers. They often tell us that sometimes you have to take drastic and undesired measures in order to ensure safety to the public. A case like this one was always doomed to result in mass casualties. It's considered a hoarding case, and those often end up with tragic endings. They care about the animals, that's why they do it. Until there are laws in place to regulate the exotic pet trade, this kind of thing will happen again.

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