Button Animals As The Little Voices Inside My Head | CatManJohn

Button Animals As The Little Voices Inside My Head | CatManJohn
Spread The Viralist

How’d we do?? And how many other button animals do you know?? Follow them all!! 😻✨



#catmanjohn #russellthecat #talkingcat #hunger4words #cat #catsofinstagram #aiclearner #smartcat #fluentpet #gingercat

Link to the buttons 👇🏻 ⏺ https://beacons.page/catmanjohn


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About the Author: catmanjohn


  1. You know I knew a people who cat speak with the cat, I was asked her help to talk to my cat what it thinking about me and what it doesn't like too. And the answer was really true what I done to my cat she know it even I never tell her

  2. All these animals are so amazing but their moms and dads are so patient and give them so much time and patience, pure love and these amazing sweet babies give it back 10 fold.💖🤗

  3. If you don't already have this I would add closet to the buttons, say a puffy got stuck under the closet, Russ would 'smack' it and you would open the closet and get the puffy for Russ. Just a suggestion 😜☺️

  4. my critters are WWAAAY too sassy and spunky for buttons. they would be telling me WHAT they wanted WHEN 😳(ie.. bacon at 3 am, dry food 8 am, wet food 7 am..) 😂

  5. This video is perfection. "Why smell?" 😂 Lmaooooo oh Bunny! And of course Billi is Anger, what else would she be? haha Russell is def perfect for the role of Joy. He's sweet, but doesn't hesitate to whip people together, especially if there's a mess somewhere lol.

    Now I'm gonna go have to find Bastian and Copper's accounts and subscribe!

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