Stacked up against 11 coyotes, herd dog kills 8 to save sheep in Decatur neighborhood

Stacked up against 11 coyotes, herd dog kills 8 to save sheep in Decatur neighborhood
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Little did these coyotes know they were up against Casper:

Read the full hero story of Casper the dog here:

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  1. So instead of shooting the coyotes and sparing your dog an ongoing fight, you just let him fight 11 coyotes?! Not sure I understand the willing sacrifice. Great Pyrenees are amazing dogs, far better than some of their not so amazing owners (unless there is more to the story that wasnā€™t told).

  2. Thats a combat warrior dog right there. Best dog anyone could ever have. Let him go where he wants. Wants inside let him be. Wants outside let him be. He earned it.

  3. Amazing and loyal dog….keep him inside now and let him be an old man in his last years. He did a good job not it's time to retire. God bless him.ā¤

  4. What a good dog…..dogs are better than people….. They do their job to their dying breath their loyal to the end my dog's the best thing that ever happened to me

  5. Casper is a supper dog! They are very powerful and loyal animals. But i got 1 question for you, You own a farm and have sheep but your olny line of defence against wild animals trying to take your heard is 2 dogs. Do you own a firearm of any kind heck even a fire work would of scared off the coyotes. Glad to see you found him again

  6. That is a dog u should cherish and definetly get pups from ..u can't teach that kind of loyalty and bravery that dog is to be treated with the utmost respect and dignity and retired with all the meat and toys he can get through

  7. What a sorry excuse for a dog owner,,You never helped your dog in the fight ,you called him…when he came home it took an entire day to find a vet when you run a farm,guess casper was not high on the get him help immediately list,i am sure they own a vehicle!

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