Dog Understands 1022 Words! | Super Smart Animals | BBC Earth

Dog Understands 1022 Words! | Super Smart Animals | BBC Earth
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Chaser is one pooch that certainly has the bow wow factor. In three years of intensive training this sprightly Border Collie has managed to learn an astonishing 1022 Words – So just how does she do it?

Taken From Super Smart Animals

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  1. I knew a border collie once that absolutely astounded me. She was scary smart! I don't know how large her vocabulary was, but it was huge. I was convinced she just knew the English language. Her name was Maggie.

  2. So dogs can actually understand words very well
    Do they understand sentences? Doubtful
    And I don't think they can think about a words definition without sentences
    So their use of words is extremely limited

    But it's still impressive…
    That's on par with an ape? Roughly

  3. I have BC's and they never cease to amaze or teach me new things all the time but one of the most incredible things I realised was how my even whilst asleep, my eldest collie recognised specific sounds and noises from what I was doing and reacted.

    She always knew when I was about to go to bed and seconds beforehand, would run upstairs lying down at the top which is where she'll sleep. It didn't matter what time I went up, if others were still downstairs and it didn't follow a regular routine i.e. locking up and switching off lights so I couldn't work out what it was that told her it was time for bed until one July afternoon during a heatwave. She jumped off the sofa and hurtled upstairs lying at the top which struck me as really odd because these dogs don't make that kind of mistake and something had definitely told her I was going to bed. After a lot of experimenting and retracing my steps, I realised a habit I didn't even know I had which was running and drinking a glass of water the very last thing before I started upstairs. Even whilst asleep her brain registered the sounds of me running the tap, filling a glass, swilling and tipping out water then the โ€œclunkโ€ as I put it on the draining board. If I did each thing out of normal sequence, left too long between each or if anything wasn't in the exact same sequence as I would normally, she didn't flinch. When I did it normally, not taking time to try and catch her out, her sleeping brain still registered the sound and she was eyes open, wide awake and up the stairs in seconds.

    The breed is absolutely remarkable but I think we've barely scratched the surface in terms of understanding exactly how remarkable they are ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This is of course amazing. But i dont quite like the title. This dog doesnt understand the words. He is able to map sound to object over time. Also, the dog repeats the same exercice day after day. It expects after so many repetitions a new sound and a new object in its training session. This is exactly how it learns to map the tuples in the 1st place. Again, not that this is not impressive.It is very very much! I just dont like the way people (or here, BBC) often use the word "understand" and other cognitive terms

  5. 3ๅนดใง1022ๅ€‹ใฎใŠใ‚‚ใกใ‚ƒใฎๅๅ‰ใ‚’่ฆšใˆใกใ‚ƒใฃใŸใ€‚ใ™ใ’ใˆใ€‚

  6. I would say most dogs of medium size or larger and some extra intelligence in some breeds can do a similar thing to this lovely dog it just takes a few things to unlock the ability, A person with the love and energy and patience on how to train and the last three are important would be bond, knowledge and time! I have a English Springer Spaniel known to be very attentive and a very high intelligence, We have been inseparable since I picked him out, I have given him so much of my time I speak to him all the time and he understands nearly everything of what I'm saying, When i talk to another human about him he will listen and if I mention that ill be taking him for a trim or vets or if I'm talking about his favourite spots to go on a walk He will beg me to take him out or not to if its the vets, To me he's a little human in a dogs body, He knows when it his delivery of food from the courier by the box he carries he knows the brand name and names of all the treats a mountain of toys also have names and he will pick them out if you ask, the list is endless of the examples of how intelligent he is, The love I get back from him is amazing and he loves to show it, I see some other people with their dogs or on how they keep a dog is not a pleasant they treat them as a lesser animal and stuff like some dogs are left live in the garden and is not allowed in the house and stuff and they have a rather boring life of waiting for hours upon hours just for a few minutes of attention a day or so maybe a walk if they are lucky and they live around their own shit most of the time, it truly saddens me, if only they knew what their dog was actually capable of they would treat them differently, I'm not calling them animal abusers but it's sorta close to it because they don't give the best life for the dog, We should treat them like our own children, I think I ranted a little too much but I had to unload since it's been bothering me

  7. My dog is a male mini Australian shepherd. Ive been talking to him since I got him at 2 months old. He knows so many words. I haven't counted them. He knows sentences. I did an iq test 2ith him and he scored maximum. I can guarantee 100% my dog is extremely smart. When teaching him something new it takes one maybe 2 times. He knows all the tricks and it took me 2 times to teach him to army crawl. Something that is very difficult to teach a dog. I have one other mini Australian shepherd and 2 full size Australian shepherd girls and they don't hold a candle as to how smart my boy is!! People are amazed at what my dog knows and knows how to do. Ive had many dogs throughout my life and this guy is so smart! Not one if my other dogs have even come close to how smart he is.

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