South Carolina Puppy Mill Rescue

South Carolina Puppy Mill Rescue
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The HSUS’s Animal Rescue Team came to the aid of more than 200 dogs and puppies, along with dozens of birds and nine horses, living in awful conditions at a facility that sold puppies online.


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  1. See I would slap dem people into the sky then ground pound them but God will be so disappointed so if someone could do it that would be nice

  2. I also picked up an abandoned dying puppy ..
    Probably, all lovers of our smaller brothers should be pleased to know that life for animals is dear to God, therefore cruel and irresponsible treatment of them deprives a person of righteousness in the eyes of a caring Creator (Proverbs 12:10).

  3. the owners are not worth the powder to blow them to hell=====agonizing to lnow this==
    its another example of how this world is so evil =====NEW YORK LAW ===THIRD TRI==BABY
    KILLING ===LAW======TRUMP 2020

  4. When people do this it breaks my heart into 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, I don't even know how many 0s I put but still

  5. Im only 12 (As of 2019), and I want to work with you guys so bad! I just want to say to every single rescued puppy/dog, Its over, you dont have to live in hell anymore, my friend.
    Edit: I wonder if there are any puppy mills in my state (Hints: Its cold, we have paul bunyan, and its not alaska)

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