The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10

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In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here’s a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caesar, but maybe less than you think. Find out how Caesar came to rule the empire, what led to him getting stabbed 23 times on the floor of the senate, and what happened in the scramble for power after his assassination. John covers Rome’s transition from city-state to dominant force in the Mediterranean in less than 12 minutes. Well, Rome’s expansion took hundreds of years, he just explains it in under 12 minutes. The senate, the people, Rome, the caesarian section, the Julian calendar, and our old friend Pompey all make appearances, but NOT the Caesar Salad, as Julius had nothing to do with it.

Introduction: SPQR 00:00
The Roman Republic 0:41
The Roman Senate 1:15
Cincinnatus 2:14
Gaius Julius Caesar 2:49
The First Triumvirate: Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar 3:40
The End of Caesar’s Reign 5:22
The Second Triumvirate: Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus 6:26
An Open Letter to the Roman Senate 7:05
Power Struggles in the SPQR 8:07
The Punic Wars 9:47
Credits 11:44

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  1. How bizarre to hear the CEO of Netflix crashed the company 10 years ago, seeing comments 4 years ago singing of Netflix success and being in 2022 with the company in dire times. Maybe in 4 years this comment will be equally as dated.

  2. The last time the elephants could have risen and formed their secret elephant society with elephant planes and elephant cars!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  3. Fortuna rota volvitur,
    Descendo minoratus,
    Alter in altus tollitur,
    Nimis exaltatus.
    Rex sedet in vertice,
    Caveat ruinam
    Nam sub axem legimus:
    Hecubam reginam.

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