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About the Author: Nigiri and Rune


  1. People like this scare me.
    Steamrolling through a fucking kaizo level while speaming without pausing to focus even once.
    I mean…
    Look at his face! That expression is what someone would do when they're RELAXED.

  2. thank you so much for the positivity, your shorts make my day and it makes me extremely happy when i come across your shorts in the morning, have a great day (:

  3. I love your videos. Your voice is so soothing and your gameplay is great. I’m commenting this on all your videos so that it boosts the videos.

  4. Is that an 8 Bit Do controller or is that Nintendo’s official online SNES controller? I’ve been dying to get the official one but I don’t think they will rerelease it so I will settle for something close.

  5. Welcome to Rune’s brand new series; Mario and Life Advice!
    For real though, this seriously boosted my confidence and made me feel a lot better about myself.

  6. Thank you so much for this! I recently reached the age of 13 and people knowing that as I recently had gotten social media. I try my best to ignore people and hearing this had boosted my confidence by an extraordinary amount. Thanks so much!

  7. I love your life advice tips! I really learned from you when you said in another video that no matter what you did people wouldn’t believe in you about you beating the Mario levels. You said if someone is doing that to you. You own nothing to them. Keep up the good work!

  8. Advanced mode: Let them know you saw what they had to say, but it doesn't bother you at all. Respond simply with the message: "k" – I did this a few times on Yesterday's short 🤣

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