In the fight against the dog meat trade, we are stronger together 💪 Exciting news from Philippines

In the fight against the dog meat trade, we are stronger together 💪 Exciting news from Philippines
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We are excited to announce our partnership with Animal Kingdom Foundation (AKF), a renowned animal welfare organisation in the Philippines 🇵🇭 who are committed to stamping out the trade across the country – but need our collective help to do so.

Please watch this video to see how our partnership will save lives on the front line.

Despite being outlawed for more than two decades, the brutal dog and cat meat trade continues underground in the Philippines, claiming thousands of innocent lives every year.

With your support, AKF’s boots on the ground and our expertise in shutting down a similar underground trade here in Thailand, together we have a real chance at ending the slaughter in the Philippines once and for all.

If you would like to support our efforts to end the trade in the Philippines and across Asia, please click here:
If this video made an impact on you, don’t forget to like and/or subscribe to our channel for weekly content. By watching, liking and sharing the videos you are supporting the rescue and rehabilitation of the dogs and cats in Asia that are in need of help.

Soi Dog Foundation is a not for profit organisation based in Phuket, Thailand that relies on donations to help vulnerable street dogs & cats who have been abused or neglected. Soi Dog Foundation is one of the leading organisations in ending the dog meat trade in south-east Asia. After successfully ending the dog meat trade in Thailand, Soi Dog Foundation is now hoping to bring an end to the trade in neighbouring countries like Vietnam and Cambodia.

For more information about Soi Dog Foundation: VISIT OUR WEBSITE:

You can also find us on:

Soi Dog cares for thousands of animals every year and as an animal loving supporter you will be giving these animals a second chance at life with your donations. There are many ways you can help end the suffering of dogs and cats of Asia:

Please sign our petition to bring in laws to end the dog meat trade in Vietnam:
Sponsor a dog or a cat. Your small monthly gift will help fund the shelter, food, and veterinary care for dogs and cats that have nowhere else to go.
Adopt a rescued dog or cat and give them a forever home:

To find out more visit our website:


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About the Author: Soi Dog Foundation


  1. The problem is people don’t have adequate access to food. If you fix The accessibility to food issue then you have eliminated the dog meat trade industry.

  2. Thank you everyone at Soi Dog and everyone who you partner with for the amazing work you do and for your dedication and never giving up even though I know some of the things you see in person are so traumatic, it would be hard to keep going just because of the trauma. 🙏💙🙏

  3. Thank you for caring 💗💗Please help this channel grow by watching till the end 'liking', subscribing, sharing, commenting and turning on notifications. You can also help by not skipping through the advertisements and clicking on their links.💗💗

  4. Sharing widely! Thank you Soi Dog for your relentless commitment to these dogs that sufefr the worst fate imaginable! We, cocneredn citizens of the world, must stand behind you and AKF to END this barbaric, inhumane trade for good!✊

  5. To hell 🔥 with All the "Dog-Dealers" the "Dog-Tourgerers" the "Dog-Eaters" 👹 — but before ‼️ let them have the same horrific turtger they afflicted to those innocent precious trusting defenseless souls ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ and then —- straight to hell 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  6. 2:37 — Justice would be to see these poor dogs released and these human sadistic cowards rammed into those little gages – three to a cage – please share this video and help end this shame on humanity 🐺🐺🐶🐶

  7. Prosím, neprestávajte bojovať za našich chlpatých priateľov, táto obrovská krutosť páchaná na nich musí skončiť! Ďakujem za vašu snahu pomôcť zvieratkám v núdzi! 👍🏻🙏🐕❤️🐈❤️😢

  8. realmente no se que le pasa algunos seres humanos no tienen corazon pero siempre habra angeles que los cuide y pidan proteccion para los peludos

  9. It is hard to stop evil intentioned people. The only solution is their demise or to be put in prison for life.. People like them have no soul or conscience. God bless all you angels trying to stop this evil.

  10. please never stop saving cats and dogs, you have and always will have my monthly support. You are great!!! Please save as many dogs and cats as possible. The overwhelming world population is against this cruelty. I used to think that countries like the Philippines, Thailand and others were wonderful places I wanted to visit. Now those places scare me, hellish and I'm sorry that there are angels who for some reason were born in hell. I send you so much energy, every day, for the animals and for you who save them. thank you

  11. I support the Soi Dog Foundation and I will share this YouTube vlog on my FB page. Anyone who eats dog meat ought to choke on the suffering and torture the "dog" had to endure to satisfy their "insane palate". Prayers for success.

  12. Why this continues with internet awareness is beyond me. Vigilante actions needed everywhere that this occurs and continues. I refuse to spend my tourist dollars in any country that this is 'acceptable'.

  13. how awful. the dogs look totally bewildered, and I must admit I'm bewildered as to why this continues.
    I guess it was a bad move for dogs when they became man's best friend.
    Thankfully, the lovely people with hearts and minds are there to make things right. Thanks for all you do🙏

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